Progressive Era

  • Carrie Chapman Catt elected NAWSA President

    Carrie Chapman Catt elected NAWSA President
    She had many mass meetings, propaganda, and did parades on women's suffrage. NAWSA was very famous since they were less radical.
  • Square Deal

    Square Deal
    This was made by Theodore Roosevelt. This was saying about his idealistic view on the ideals of how U.S. should be like.
  • New York Tenement House Laws

    New York Tenement House Laws
    This was a way for improving lives of immigrants house. This improved their house life by having a running toliets, baths, and clean water.
  • Child Labor Committee

    Child Labor Committee
    This committee wanted child labor to stop so they can live happily. In addition, thy wanted laws to stop the child labor in constitution.
  • Niagara Movement

    Niagara Movement
    This was founded by W.B. Du Bois. He had to go to Niagara Falls since Canada was not prejudice towards them.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    This was a documentary about how the food industry produced meat. It helped rouse attention about what they were eating was unsanitary.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    This act was made because of the Jungle. So, this was a law that the federal government made to check if the meat was sanitary enough to eat.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    This act also came from the Jungle. This tested if the medicine and food was okay to consume before and after.

    This group came from the Niagara Movement. The group wanted to have all free equality to white and black people.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    This was a tragic incident that happened if there are many unsafe conditions about a factory. Many immigrants like Jews and Italian women worked in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory and lost their lives since a cigarette was dropped.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    This amendment was allowing citizens to have a direct vote and opinion toward government elections. Back then, people had no say in what government did, but this law allowed people be part of the decision.
  • Formation of National Woman's Party

    Formation of National Woman's Party
    After the NAWSA formation, National Woman's Party formed, but they were on the more radical side. So, the thing that made them not famous was the hunger strikes since they would be thrown into jail.
  • Keating Owen Child Labor Act

    Keating Owen Child Labor Act
    This act helped to address child labor by prohibiting the sale in the interstate commerce of goods produced by factories that employ children. It was signed by Wilson.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    This amendment was a prohibition to alcohol since many men were ruining their family reputation and living more harder. But, consumption of alcohol was allowed.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This allowed women to finally vote. At the time when U.S. was a new country, women could not have right to vote.