Period: to
Progressive Era
Events of the progressive era. -
Elkins act
It stopped business from being able to have refunds [rebates] on large quantities that they shipped on the railroad. (monopolies and business excess) -
national reclamation act
this act funded irrigation projects for lands in the west (farm probelms) -
national wildlife refuge system
it sets lands aside to protect and conserve american plants and animals (conservation) -
U.S. forest service
an organization that takes care of our national forests (conservation) -
hepburn act
interstate commerce commision to set maximum railroad rates and pick their jurisdiction. -
meat inspection act
to prevent altered or "non real" meat from being sold. it also makes sure meat is made under sanitary conditions, (consumer) -
pure food and drug act
It made them put a truth to their labeling and say what was in the food and drugs. (consumer) -
muller v. oregon
he made a woman work for more than 10 hours a day. it made women activist upset beacuse it restricted womens financial independence. (womens rights/labor problems) -
an american association that fights for the civil rights of african americans. (conservation) -
federal reserv act
economic stability through central banks. (inequality in the distrubution of wealth) -
16th amendment
This amendment allowed congress to take income taxes from the people. (inequality in the distrubtion of wealth) -
17th amendment
United States senators are chosen by the popular vote and not by the givernment. (corruption in government) -
Clayton Anti-trust Act
Extended the sherman act and made it harder to form trusts and to make monopolies. It also protected labor unions. (monopolies and business excess)b -
Federal Trade comissions act
it was created by congress to helpe enforce the clayton antitrust act (monopolies and business excess) -
keating-owen child labor act
they could not sell products made by childeren under 14 or hire them. children of 16 could not work for more than 8 hours. (labor problems) -
national park service
an organization that manages all national parks -
Bunting v. Oregon
Everyone works the same amount of hours, 10hrs. Owners have the right to pick their own wages and they must take care of workers and make them safe. Have to pay workers for overtime (labor problems) -
hammer v. dagenhart
the issue involving congress to enact child labor laws. congress does not have the power to regulate goods created by children. -
18th amendment
Not allowed to make , sell, or buy alcoholic beverages. (consumer) -
19th amendment
Allowed women the right to vote. (womens rights)