Progressive Era

By cmp105
  • W.E.B Dubois

    Civil rights activist and founder of the NAACP
  • Tuskegee Institute

    Founded by Booker T. Washington, it provided vocational education for African Americans
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The first significant ban that prevented immigrants from entering the US which put a 10-year ban on Chinese laborers from immigrating to the US.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    Set the guidelines on how railroad monopolies could do business.
  • Jane Addams - Hull House

    Jane Addams - Hull House
    The Hull House helped establish child labor laws, women's suffrage, workmen's compensation, and other hallmarks of the Progressive Era.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    First Federal Act that outlawed monopolistic business practices.
  • Booker T. Washington

    Prominent African American educator and leader of the Tuskegee Institute
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Racial segregation laws that enforced discrimination against African Americans
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    A Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation laws did not violate the US Constitution as long as the facilities for each race were equal in quantity. 'Separate or Equal"
  • McKinley Assassinated

    McKinley Assassinated
    President William McKinley died after complications with bullet wounds from Leon Czolgosz.
  • Coal miner strike

    A nationwide coal miner strike which demanded better working conditions and higher wages
  • Ida Tarbell's 'The History of Standard Oil'

    A book that exposed the monopolistic practices of standard oil
  • Niagara Movement

    Civil rights organization that fought for equal rights for African Americans
  • 'The Jungle' Published

    'The Jungle' Published
    This book exposed the working conditions of Chicago Stockyards
  • Teddy Roosevelt - Square Deal

    Teddy Roosevelt - Square Deal
    This was a book about his domestic program
  • Muckrakers

    Journalists who exposed corruption and social issues
  • Roosevelts Antiquities Act

    An act that allowed the president to designate national monuments
  • Food and Drug Act

    Food and Drug Act
    After 'The Jungle' the gov't passed a law that protected consumers from dirty/bad food and drugs
  • Federal Meat Inspection Act

    Federal Meat Inspection Act
    A law that makes it illegal to adulterate or misbrand meat and meat products being sold as food
  • Muller v. Oregon

    This supreme court case upheld an Oregon law limiting women's work hours
  • NAACP formed

    National Association for the Advancement of colored people
  • Urban League

    Organization that focused on economic empowerment an social equality for African Americans
  • Triangle Shirtwaist fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist fire
    A fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City, killing 146 people. This is the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city.
  • Taft Wins

    Taft Wins
    Taft wins the presidential election against Roosevelt
  • Wilson elected

    Woodrow wilson was elected
  • Department of labor established

    A department that focuses on labor issues and promotes workers rights
  • Federal reserve act

    created the central banking system in the us
  • Underwood Simmons Tariff

    Reduced tariffs on imported goods to promote trade
  • 16th amendment

    gave congress the power to levy an income tax
  • 17th amendment

    allowed for the direct election of senators
  • federal trade commission act

    established the Federal Trade Commission to prevent unfair business practices
  • Clayton Antitrust Act

    Strengthened antitrust laws to prevent monopolies and promote fair competition
  • Trench warfare

    Military strategy used in WWl by fighting in trenches
  • The Birth of a Nation

    Controversial film that portrayed the KKK in a positive light
  • Lusitania Sunk

    British ship sunk by a German submarine
  • Wilson asks for war

    President Wilson aks congress to declared war on Germany
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    A secret message was sent by Germany to Mexico about asking Mexico to join WWl
  • Espionage Act

    Made it illegal to interfere with military operations or support US enemies during wartime
  • Rise of the KKK

    The Ku Klux Klan which promoted white supremacy
  • Sedition Act

    Restricted freedom of speech during wartime to prevent dissent and anti-war sentiment
  • Wilsons 14 points

    outlined a strategy for ending the war
  • Armistice Day

    The day when WWl hostilities ceased
  • 18th amendment

    Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages
  • Wilsons stroke

    President wilson suffered a stroke
  • Versailles Peace Conference

    meeting of the allied victors to set peace terms for the defeated central powers
  • Treaty of Versailles

    ended WWl but blamed Germany entirely
  • 19th amendment

    Women can vote
  • League of Nations

    International organizations aimed at promoting peace