First baseball Club Formed
The first baseball club in america is formed in New York City. It is called the Knickerbocker Baseball Club. Five years later there were over 50 clubs in america! -
Grandfather Clause for Voting Is Formed
The Grandfather Clause for voting is fomed to help white men, who failed the literacy test or could not afford the poll tax. It let white men vote if their father or grandfather was eleigible to vote before January 1, 1867. -
The National Woman Suffrage Association is Formed
Susan B. Anthony forms The National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) on May 15, 1869 in New York City. It was looking to see if womens rights could be supported in the Fifth Amendment, -
Jim Crow Laws
Jim Crow Laws were passed in the 1870's and 1880's to help seperate white and black people at public events. -
The National American Women Suffrage Association is Formed
America's First Shopping Center Opened
America's first shopping center is opened in Cleveland, Ohio. -
Illionois Factory Act Passed
The Illinios Factory Act is passed to improve working conditions and limit working hours for women and children. -
First Ferris Wheel is Built
The first Ferris Wheel is built at the World Exposition Fair of 1983 in Chicago. The fair was to mark the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the "New World". -
Anti-Saloon League Formed
The Anti-Saloon League is formed to help stop alchol problems and make america's society better. -
The National Association of Colored Women is Formed
Plessy v. Ferguson
This court case, challenged whether individual states, were allowed to seperate white and blacks in public places in the doctrine of "separate but equal. -
First Statewide Primary System is Formed
Minnesota passes the first statewide primary system that required canidates to be voted onto the ballot. -
Most Cities Had a Art Gallery
By this time, mostly every major city in america had some sort of art gallery on display. -
New York City Race Riot of 1900
The riot was started between a blackman and a white police officer over the fact, the blackman killed the police officer because he thought he was mistreating his wife. -
National Child Labor Committe is Formed
The National Child Labor Committe is formed to send investigators to gather evidence of child working in harsh conditions. -
The NAACP is Formed
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored is formed in New York City. -
Peonage is Declared a Violation of 13th Amendment
in 1911, the U.S Supreme court ruled that peonage is declared a violation of the 13th Amendment. Peonage is working for someone to repay a debt. -
Federal Reserve Act is Established
The Federal Reserve Act is Established to divide the nation into 12 districts with regional banks that could help issue paper currancy in the event of an emergency. -
Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914
The Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 is passed to limit companies from buying the stock of another company. -
Keating-Owen Act Passed
The Keating-Owen Act is passed to prohibit the transportation of goods made with child labor across state lines.