Progressive ear

By Jjuly07
  • The Homestead Act of 1862

    The Homestead Act of 1862
    Although not apart of the Progressive Era, the Homestead Act of 1862, signed by President Lincoln, encouraged Americans to embrace their Manifest Destiny and create a country that stretch completely from sea to shining sea. Thousands took up the governments offer of moving into the Fronteir West and accepted the federal land grant at hand.
  • First Transcontinental Railroad

    First Transcontinental Railroad
    Two railroad companies, the Union Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad, were chosen for the first transcontinental railroad which was 1,907 miles of continuous railroad networking that streched across the western United States connecting the Pacific coast at San Francisco Bay with the existing Eastern U.S. railroads.
  • Pendelton Act

    Pendelton Act
    The Pendelton Act created a federal civil service where workers could be hired based on competitive exams instead of political influence. This federal law ensured that government jobs would be awarded on the basis of merit. It swayed away from patronage.
  • Socialist Party of America

    Socialist Party of America
    During the Progressive Era, many Americans supported and spread the idea of Socialism for the people which would potentially stabilize income and equality for the citizens. The Socialist mainly attempted to reform American economical policies and end capitalism.
  • The Black Hand-The Mafia

    The Black Hand-The Mafia
    At the opening of the twentieth century, over 655,888 immigrants arrived in the United States, many of Italian background, hoping to earn money, buy land and start a new life in the states. However, their American didn't turn out quite as expected and many individuals of the Little Italy communities turned to a life of crime out of desperation. TV and motion pictures idolized the gangster ego and shaped how gangs in reality opportated. The gangs were businesses.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    Upton Sinclair's The Jungle caused much controversy in America during the Progressive Era. The book focuses on the tragic events of a Lithuanian immigrant family who arrives in the U.S. to capture the opportunites they believed the country would provide, but end up find up finding a life of depression. The Jungle calls out the poor working conditions of the meat packing industry in Chicago and later sparks the creation of the 1906 Meat Inpection Act.
  • Meat Inspection Act of 1906

    Meat Inspection Act of 1906
    In responce to Upton Sinclair's the Jungle, the Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was passed in Congress to address the conditions of meat distributed to Americans and the working environment of immigrant employees. During this period, it was common for people to experience food posioning and become a "tampered package" which effected their abilities to work.
  • Teddy Roosevelt as President

    Teddy Roosevelt as President
    Under Theodore Roosevelt's presidency (1901-1909) and his Square Deal, several Progressive reforms for the American public were outlined, the number of national parks doubled, and 50 wildlife santuaries were established. Roosevelt stepped into power after President William McKinley's, a strong advocate for expansionism, assessination. He was popular among the people rather than political figures because of his social push for change in the working class and immigrant communities.
  • Wildrow Wilson

    Wildrow Wilson
    Wildrow Wilson, whose precidency reigned from 1913 to 1919, led a progressivism movement by fighting for a stronger central government, labor rights, and an anti-trust legislation. When President Wilson was elected, he persuaded Congress to level the playing field for relations between national and states' governments.
  • The 19th Ammendment

    The 19th Ammendment
    After 70 years of a culmination of protest by unmarried woman suffragists, the 19th Amendment guaranteed women the right to vote and was adopted into the U.S. Constitution. During the 20th century, women's role changed in American society from upkeeping the house to becoming a part of the industrial revolution. Women worked more, broadened their education and gave birth to fewer children. Women became an active part in moving America forward.