Progression to WWI Timeline

  • Triple Alliance Emerges

    Triple Alliance Emerges
    The Triple Alliance is created, a 3 country allicance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. Later in the war it becomes a key factor in the outcome of the war, when they take too much on to handle. especially because Germany goes to war with both the countries next to it.
  • Kasier Wilhem II Emerges

    Kasier Wilhem II Emerges
    Kaiser Wilhelm became the new leader of Germany, forcing Bismarck to resign from his position. Wilhelm was extremely greedy with his power, and quickly took advantage of it. Wilhelm built up his navy with a shipbuilding program, and tried to equal the mighty British fleet. This then alarmed Britain, and they quickly formed the Triple Entente with france and russia, an alliance between them all that would be a key reason for WW1. This alliance quickly became enemies with Germany.
  • Russia and France forms an Alliance

    Russia and France forms an Alliance
    When Germany changed leaders to Kaiser Wilhelm II, their treaty ended, and as Germany began building their navy, France and Russia quickly made their own small alliance, making Germany feel a lot of pressure because if they went to war or got into any trouble they would have to fight a 2 front war, stuck between 2 enemies.
  • European Arms Race/Militarsm

    European Arms Race/Militarsm
  • Period: to

    European Arms Race

    Throughout the early part of the 20th century, the arms race began. This was a time where almost all of the great powers in Europe began to compete on who could make their armies larger and stronger, and have navies, ground infantry and as many people as possible. This of course caused a lot of tension, with everyone having so many men ready to fight. This policy of keeping prepared for war and having a large army was called Militarism.
  • Forming of the Triple Entente

    Forming of the Triple Entente
    Once the new German leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II began to build his navy larger, his goal being to equal or be greater than the British army, Great Britain got worried. Quickly acting, they formed an alliance with France and Russia, saying they would all protect each other and keep each other safe. If one was attacked, everyone would be aware and try to make an action as best they could. The problem was that making an alliance and declaring Germany an Enemy did put the Triple Alliance against them.
  • Austria Takes over Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Austria Takes over Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Austria takes control of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2 Balkan countries. This was an outrace to Serbian leaders, who were focused on taking over that land themselves. Specifically this caused a lot of tension between Austria and Serbia.
  • The Main Cause of WW1

    The Main Cause of WW1
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary is murdered. This assassination led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. That caused all the alliances to declare war on each other, causing a web of relationships between countries, initializing World War One. He was killed by the Black Hand, a terrorist group. All these relationships were mainly caused by nationalism, people having pride in their country. Nationalism led to unifying the country, but it also led to tension between each other.
  • Austria Declares War on Serbia

    Austria Declares War on Serbia
    When the Archduke was murdered, Austria jumped on the opportunity and said that the killer was Serbian. Instantly, this caused a lot of tension, and Austria gave them a list of demands, and Serbia agreed to most of them. However, Austria was not going to negotiate, and declared war on Serbia.
  • Great Britan begins war with Germany

    Great Britan begins war with Germany
    Great Britain, being in the Triple Entente, when Germany declared war against Russia, they got angry and declared war on Germany as well. This is an example of how the 3-way alliances cause a complicated web of relationships. This leads to WWI because it starts a huge chain reaction of new allies and enemies, making everyone angry with eachother.
  • Forming of New Alliances

    Forming of New Alliances
    However, Italy, realized what they are getting into, and bails on them, joining the Triple Entente. This makes Germany and Austria-Hungary become the Central Powers alliance, and France, Russia and Serbia, Great Britain, and Italy become a new alliance, the Allied Powers.