Humphrey Davy discovered the anaesthetic properties of laughing gas
Thomas Percival wrote first book on medical behaviour
Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope
William Beaumont studied digestive system through a hole in stomach
First issue of 'The Lancet' produced
Joseph Lister invented the multi lense microscope
The British medical association was formed
Pierre Louis argued that it was what was happening inside the body which was the important thing for doctors to look at
Jan Purkinje set up first university department in physiology
Theodor Schwann realised that animal matter was made of cells, not humours
Crawford W Long used ether whilst operating on neck tumor but never published
Edwin Chadwick argued that poverty caused disease
Horace Wells failed to demonstrate that laughing gas would allow painless surgery
Dr J C Warren removed a neck tumor using ether
Robert Liston removed the leg of a patient using ether - first use in Britain
Carl Ludwig invented the kymograph used to measure the pulse
James Simpson discovered chloroform
Ignaz Semmelweiss cut death rate in maternity ward by making doctors wash their hands in calcium chloride solution
First public health act, board of health and medical health officers for towns
Improvements in hospital hygiene, mainly due to Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale improved standards of hospital cleanliness and nursing care
Louis pasteur discovered that germs caused disease
Joseph Lister cut death rate from 46% to 15% by cleaning instruments, soaking bandages and spraying surgery with carbolic acid
Henry Gray wrote 'Gray's anatomy' with illustrations and people owned at home
Pupils were taught anatomy in school
Public Health act forced slum clearance, provision of sewers and clean water
Robert Koch discovered which bacteria caused septicaemia
Charled Chamberland found that weakened bacteria cells provided an inoculation to that disease
Louis Pasteur developed inoculation to anthrax
Robert Koch discovered which bacteria caused TB
Robert Koch discovered which bacteria caused cholera
Charles Chamberland found organisms even smaller than bacteria (viruses)
Carl Koller discovered local anaesthetic properties of cocaine
Louis Pasteur developed inoculation for rabies
Louis Pasteur became a research scientist
Aseptic surgery
Willhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays
Patrick Manson discovered that the vector for elephantisis is mosquitoes
Willem Einnthoven invented electrocardiograph used to measue heart activity
Docotrs held respected position in society
Karl Landsteiner discovered blood groups
Starling and Bayliss discovered the first hormone
Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin developed the BCG injection against TB
Free school meals to poor children
Schhol medical examinations made compulsory
Pensions introduced
National insurance for workers who fell ill was introduced
Only 495 women in medical register in Britain
Casimir Funk discovered vitamins and realised that some disease was caused by bad diet
Richard Lewisohn discovered that sodium citrate stopped blodd clotting
Emil von Behring developed the anti-toxin against diphtheria
Paul Ehrlich found magic bullets for malaria and sleeping sickness but the most important was Salvarsan 606 for siphilis
National Blood Transfusion Service set up