
Progression of Labor to Birth

  • Early Signs of Labor

    Early Signs of Labor
    A woman in her first pregnancy may have trouble recognizing the early signs of labor. One major event is called "the show." That is when there are a few drops of blood or a pinkish vaginal stain that occurs when the mucus that plugs the uterus during pregnancy dissolves; preventing bacteria from moving into the uterus.
  • Period: to

    Beginning Labor

    Many woman are anxious for the baby to be born.
    They feel "lightening." This occurs when the baby settles deep into the pelvis near the time of birth. The pressure on the woman's upper abdomen is "lightened."
    With a first pregnancy, lightening may occur days or weeks before labor. Woman that already had a baby can experience this just before labor begins.
  • Early Signs of Labor

    Early Signs of Labor
    Three events then happen. (1)Some women realize that they are in labor when tey feel a trickle or gush of warm fluid from the vagina. (2)This indicates that the amniotic sac has broken. The membrane does not rupture until much later in birth. (3)This is when the "water breaks."
  • Early Signs of Labor

    Early Signs of Labor
    A contraction is the tightening and releasing of the muscles of the uterus. When the uterus contracts, it shortens and closes, pushing the fetus against the cervix. The uterus then relaxes before the next contraction. Contrctions are known to be painful yet bearable. After the baby is born and the placenta is pushed out, contractions stop and there is no lingering pain afterwards.
  • First Stage of Labor

    First Stage of Labor
    One major event is when the contractions open the cervix.
    Another event is when labor officially begins when contractions are coming at regular intervals. The contractions slowly soften and thin the cervix allowing it to open.
    A third event is when the contractions then increase in strength, length, and frequency.
    The fourth event is when the baby moves into the lower pelvis. The babies go out headfirst, then shoulders.
    The last major event is the transation. The cervix is fully dialated.
  • Period: to

    Stages of Labor

  • Second Stage of Labor

    Second Stage of Labor
    The fifth event is when the opening of the mother's vagina is too small for the baby to pass. The doctor may then widen it with a surgical cut (episiotomy).
    The sixth event is when the baby's head emerges and the doctor or midwife guides the baby out.
    The seventh event of the second stage of labor could be if the doctor uses surgical tongs (forceps) to get the baby out.
  • Second Stage of Labor

    Second Stage of Labor
    The first event is the contractions to obe more productive, pushing the baby through the pelvis.
    The second event is allowing the woman to push to expel the baby. Early pushing can destroy tissue and cause problems.
    The third event is hormone called relaxin that allows the tissue to stretch. It makes it possible for the walls of the vagina to stretch.
    The fourth event is the baby's soft skull to look "cone-shaped" when it first comes out Because it needs to fit through pelvis and vagina.
  • Third Stage of Labor

    Third Stage of Labor
    There are two major and final events that occur during the third stage of labor. One iswhen the mother can rest briefly then feel a few conractions and push; which is usually not painful. That final pushing helps the placenta separate from the uterine wall. The final and most important event is the mother bonds with the child.