ebola was introduced into human poplation throughbody connection -
the spreading
ebola spreads through human to human transmission via direct contact through broken skin or muscle membranes -
time period
the incubation period that is the time interval from infection with the virus to onset of symptoms is 2 to 21 days. -
how long
people stay infected as long as thier blood end , body fluids including semen and breast milk contain the virus -
Now You Have It
Once you get the virus you will get an fever and that fever will come with an headache, muscle pain, and finally you will begin to feel weak. -
More To Come
After the first symptoms you will get tired fast, vomit and diarra, with red eyes. -
I Need Help
For ebola to go away even though it is difficult you will need a couple of test like Anti-body enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay. -
Get Away
To aviod getting the ebola virus all you have to do is be over protective and stay washing and cleaning your hands. -
Docters Be Careful
health carers need to be extra careful because plaenty of docters are trying to figure out ebola but is getting ebola -
men who have recovered from the disease can still tranmitt the virus though thier semen for up to 7 weeks after recovery from illness.