Designed by Konrad Zuse, was the first programming language. It is not an acronym. -
FORTRAN was developed by John Backus. It was made for numerical calculations. FORTRAN stands for FORmula TRANsalting system. -
Designed by Charles Katz and was an early language designed for the UNIVAC. It is not an acronym. -
Designed by John McCarthy. LISP is a souce code made of lists. It is an acronym for Locator Identifier Seperation Protocol. -
COBAL was developed for business use by Grace Hopper. COBAL stands for COmmon Business Oriented Language. -
Developed by IBM as a business application language. RPG stands for Report Program Generator. -
Developed by John Kenney and Thomas Kurtz to enable students to use computers in the mid 60's for other than science and math. BASIC stands for Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. -
Designed by Seymour Papert to be an educational programming language. Logo is not an Acronym. -
B was developed by Ken Thompson at bell labs. B was written for the PDP-11. B is not an acronym. -
Designed by Niklaus Wirth to encourage structured programming and structured data. PASCAL is not an acronym. -
Developed by Dennis Richie to be a general purpose structured programming language. C is not an acronym. -
Developed by Robin Milner. ML is a gereral purpose language used for proof tactics. ML stands for metalanguage. -
Developed by Donald D. Chaimberlin, SQL is a widely used database language. It stands for Structured Query Language. -
Developed by Jean Ichbiah for the Department of Defense to reduce the number of obsolete languages. ADA is not an acronym. -
Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup to add object oriented featues to the C language. It is not an acronym. -
Developed by Guido van Rossum. It is an object oriented dynamic succuessor to ABC. Python is not an acronym. -
Visual Basic
Developed by Microsoft, Visual Basic is derived form BASIC and is meant to be easy to learn and use. -
Delphi was developed by Borland. It is an object orientated, complied code made for Windows. Delphi is not an acronym. -
Developed by James Gosling. Java was designed to run on any java virtual machine and make web based applications. Java is not an acronym. -
Javascript was developed by Brendon Eich as a browser code. Javascript is not an acronym. -
Designed by Rasmus Lerdorf. It is an HTML embedded language. PHP stands for Personal Home Page.