Programming Languages Timeline

By jjruisi
  • Plankalkul

    Plankalkul was designed by Konrad Zuse in 1948. t was designed to be used for engineering purposes. Konrads language could not be published at the time because of war in Germany.
  • Fortan

    Fortran was designed by John Backus in 1957. This programming language is used to do numeric computation and scientific computing for use by sceintists and engineers. It stands for FORmula TRANslating system.
  • Math-Matic

    Math-Matic was created by Charles Katz. It was created to be better than Fortran. It is a programming language for the UNIVAC computers.
  • Lisp

    Created by John McCarthy in 1958, Lisp is one of the oldest languages still used today. It was origonally created for math calculations, but it became used mainly for artificial intelligence later.

    Cobol was designed by many people, but mainly by Grace Hopper. It is one of the oldest languages. It was created for use in business, finance, and administrative systems. It stands for "COmmon Business Oriented Language".
  • RPG

    RPG was developed by IBM in 1959. It stands for "Report Program Generator". It is a tool to replicate punched card processing. It can only be used on IBM OS.

    BASIC was desgined by John George Kement and Thomas Eugene Kurtz in New Hapshire. They created this language for students other than math and science studetns to use computers. BASIC stands for "Beginner's All-purpose Sybolic Instruction Code".
  • Logo

    Ligi was created by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert in 1967. Logo is an educational programming language. It tought concepts of programming related to Lisp.
  • B

    B was developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. Thay designed this language to use in "mini computers" at the time. It was eventually taken over by C language.
  • Pascal

    Pascal was designed by Niklaus Wirth in 1970. It was created for people to use an efficient language to structure data. It encouraged structured programming.
  • C

    C was designed by Dennis Ritchie. It was created to be a general purpose language that could be used for many things such as applications.
  • ML

    ML was created by Robin Milner and others at the University of Edinburgh. It was used for algorithims and other calculations.
  • SQL

    SQL was designed in 1974 by Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce. It is designed for database managment. It usees specialt algorithims to manage data. It stands for "Structured Query Language".
  • ADA

    Designed by two people, Jean Ichbiah and Cll Honeywell Bull. They were paid by the U.S. Department of Defense to create one programming language for al of the Department of Defense to use. It was named after Ada Lovelace.
  • C++

    C++ was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup. This language is also a general use language for many things as i can do low level and high level programming features. It was origonally named C with Classes.
  • Python

    Python was designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991.It allows a programmer to use fewr lines of code because of its syntax. It is able to create programs big and small.
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic was designed by people at microsoft in 1991. It is object-based and event-driven.Visual Basic can create many programs such as GUI or to manage data bases.
  • Delphi

    Delphi is an Object Oriented Language and an Intergrated Development Enviorment language that is an Aternative to BASIC. It was developed by Embarcadero.
  • Java

    Java was designed by James Gosling and Sun Microsytems. It is object oriented and was made to let developers create anything for any operating system. It iis one of the main programming alnguages used today.
  • JavaSCript

    JavaScript was designed by Brendan Eich. Even though it has Java in its name, it has nothing to do with regular Java language. JavaScript is mainly used for web browsers.
  • PHP

    PHP was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. It is alanguage designed for web developent. It is a server side scripting language. It used to stand for Personal Home page. Now it stands for hypertex preprocessor.