Developed by Konrad Zuse Initially created to store code enabling it to carry out operations. -
Developed by IBM, designed by John Backus Designed to perform numeric and scientific computations -
Designed by CHarles Katz Insiired the creation of COBOL computer language from its model of business compiling processor -
LISP (local identifiers separation protocol)
Designed by John McCarthy Primarily used for artificial intelligence. The program was also able to produce mathematical notations for computer programs. -
COBOL (common business oriented language)
Developed by Grace Hopper, among many others, and the Conference on data systems language assisted with businesses, financing, and administrative companies -
RPG (report program generator)
Developed byIBM Assisted with procedural codes and operations -
BASIC (beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code)
Designed by John G. Kemeny, and Thomas E. Kurtz They intended for the program to spread beyond the use of only STEM purposes. -
Designed by Wally Feurzig and Seymour Papert teach programming to students by using a small turtle on the screen to carry out intrsuctions entered into the computer as instructions. -
designed by NIklause Wirth The program was designed to promote honorable programming procedures -
B (bon?)
designed by Ken Thompson with Dennis Ritchie They created a software that dealt with non- numeric systems -
Created by Dennie Ritchie Created a software with low level access memory with could carry our instructions more efficiently. Gateway to cross platform softwares. -
ML (meta language)
Designed by Robert Milner along with the University of Edinburgh Designed to infer anticipated values with entered type. (input) -
SQL (structured query language)
developed by Donald D. Chamberlain and Raymond F. Boyce programmed to manage data with algabraic calculations -
ADA (Ada Lovelace)
Jean Ichbiah with Cll-Honeywell-Bull and the U.S. Department of Defense general computer programming components with embedded code -
Designed by Bjarne Stroustrup He wanted to create a flexible software that also had a low level memory. -
Designed by Guido Van Rossum The program consolidated lines of code to be more effective in operations. -
Visual Basic
Developed by Microsoft The program was designed to make code writing easier to execute. -
Designed by Rasmus Lerdorf works collaboratively with HTML to generate and display web pages on the internet. -
Designed by James Gosling Designed with a 'write once, run anywhere' base line, enabling JAVA to run on any machine accessible. -
Created by Brenden Eich Allowed users to interact with the interface on web browsers.