Ada Lovelace created "ADA" the first programming language in 1842-43’ and it wasn’t used for any purpose except analytics -
Period: to
Zuse designed the real first computer programming language. Konrad Zuse designed this programming language. This was the first algorithmic programming language. -
The "FORTRAN" ( acronym for FORmula TRANslation)was designed by a team of programmers at IBM, they were led by John Backus. It was designed to allow easy translation of math formulas into code. -
Designed by Charles Katz. -
LISP is an acronym for List Processing. LISP is a general-purpose programming language. Designed by John McCarthy . -
RPG is a high-level programming language for business applications. RPG was designed by IBM. RPG means "Report Program Generator." -
Thomas E. Kurt and John G. Kemeny created it because they wanted a simple program language that was easy to learn. -
Designed by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon. LOGO is a "dialect of Lisp, was designed as a tool for learning." -
Made by D. M. Ritchie and K. L. Thompson for “non-numeric applications such as system programming.” -
Designed by Niklaus Wirth, he designed this to teach programming techiques and topics to college students. -
Developed at Bell Laboratories by Dennis Ritchie he created it because he wanted a language that was usable for "high level and machine independent programming", he wanted it so they can have more control over the pieces. -
Makes excellent support for Algebraic Data Types. ML is a general-purpose, and functional programming lanuage. ML stands for MetaLanguage. -
SQL means "Structured Query Language" that specialized language for updating, deleting, and requesting information from databases.
Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce designed this computer language. -
" to provide Simula’s facilities for program organization together with C’s efficiency and flexibility for systems programming. It was intended to deliver that to real projects within half a year of the idea." (Bjarne Stroustrup, The Design and Evolution of C++). -
Visual Basic
Microsoft released Visual Basic, it was to compete with C, C++, Pascal and other well-known programming languages. -
Guido Van Rossum came from an interpreted language called "ABC". Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. -
Java is a object-oriented programming and it was designed by a group of Sun engineers called the "Green Team". -
PHP is an Acronym for "Personal Home Page language". Designed to close the gap between SSI and Perl. -
Delphi is a native code compiler ( native code compiler is a program that is designed to run with a specific processor such as x86. Delphi was designed by Borland which is a software company. Its underlying object-oriented language. -
Designed by Netscape, best known for Netscape Navigator(a web browser), Javascript is a computer programming language used to make interactive effects in your web browser. -
Designed by CODASYL ( Conference/Committee on Data Systems Languages). It was designed for business, finance, and administrative systems, "COBOL" is an acronym for "common business-oriented language".