Timeline image

Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalkul

    Konrad Zuse created Plankkalkul, The Purpose of Plankalkul was to prove computer could do more than arithmetic.
  • Fortran ( FORmula TRANslation)

    Fortran ( FORmula TRANslation)
    John Backus created FORmula TRANslation AKA . Fortran was designed to be a simpler way to communicate with computers.
  • Math-matic

    Math-Matic was released by the Rand Corporation; it was invented to improve ForTran.
  • COBOL (Common business Oriented Language)

    COBOL  (Common business Oriented Language)
    COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was created by Conference on Data Systems Language. COBOl was a high level language designed for commercial use.
  • Lisp ( LISt Processing)

    Lisp ( LISt Processing)
    John McCaethy developed Lisp the second oldest programing language. Lisp is an abbreviation of LISt Processing. Lisp was designed to easily manipulate data string. "What Is LISP (list Processing)? - Definition from WhatIs.com." SearchSOA. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Sept. 2015
  • RPG ( Report Program Generator)

    RPG (Report Program Generator) was developed for punch card machines by IBM.
  • BASIC ( Beginners All Purpose Symbiotic Instruction Code)

    John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtzas developed the programming language BASIC ( Beginners All Purpose Symbiotic Instruction Code). The language was designed to create a simple code that could be taught to people easily.
  • LOGO (LOGO Thinking)

    LOGO was created by a team at MIT. LOGO was invented to introduce kids to programming. LOGO means Logo Thinking.
  • B

    Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie developed B at AT&T Bell Telephone. The purpose of B was system development, not numeric computation.
  • SQL ( Structured English Query Language)

    SQL ( Structured English Query Language)
    SQL ( Structured English Query language) was constructed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. It was designed for a specific database queries called SEQUEL later on it was adapted to be used to build other databasses and manage security of the dataabases.

    Niklaus Wirth developed PASCAL. Niklaus Wirth named his language Pascal in honor of Blaise Pascal a French mathematician and philosopher. Pascal was developed to for teaching programming as a systematic discipline, to develop reliable and efficient programs.
  • C

    Dennis Ritchie brought C programming lanuguage into in existence. He named the new language C because it followed the programming language B by Bell Labs. The programming language C was developed to be a high level cross-platform language.
  • ML (metalanguage)

    Robin Milner and others developed ML. ML stands for metalanguage. It was created too develop proof tactics.
  • Python

    Guido Van Rossum created Python at CWI, Rossum wanted to develop a program that was generally extensive.
  • ADA

    Jean Ichbiah created the Ada programming language; it was designed to fulfill the requirements of the military the language had to be legible, efficient, proven and expressive. The government chose the name of the language. They chose Ada in honor of Augusta Ada Byron.
  • C++

    Bjarne Stroustrup created C++ in attempts to make Simula language as efficient as C language.
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Alan Cooper created Visual Basics. Visual Basics was originally develop to make it easier to write programs for windows computer operating systems. It is a object orientated program language.
  • PHP

    Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP ( Hypertext Processor), PHP is designed for web development, it can also be used as a general purpose programing lanaguage.
  • Delphi

    Borland invented Delphi
  • JavaScript

    Netscape Navigator invented JavaScript; the purpose of JavaScript was to create dynamic and interactive content. like pop windows .
  • Java

    Sun Microsystems Inc. came up with Java on the search to allow consumer electronic devices communicate.