Developer: Konrad Zuse
Plankalkul was developed for various engineering purposes. -
Developer: John Backus
The introduction of Fortran enabled rapid writing of computer programs. It stands for Formula Translation. -
Developer: Charles Katz
MATH-MATIC, designed as the programming language for the UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II, was designed to be an improvement over the language Fortran. -
Developer: John McCarthy
Although LISP was originally created for mathematical notation, it is now mainly used in the research of artificial intelligence systems. It stands for List Processing -
Developer: CODASYL
COBOL was created to aid in business applications, such as data processing. It was designed to be easily understood. COBOL stands for COmputer Business Oriented Language -
Developer: IBM
RPG was designed for business applications, and stands for Report Program Generator. -
Developers: John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz
Developed to help introduce those interested in programming into the field, with the language able to translate plain English into code. BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. -
Developer: Seymore Papert
LOGO has been used as a learning tool, introducing many young grade-schoolers (and possibly many others) to the programming world. -
Developer: Ken Thopson and Dennis Ritche
B was developed for non-numeric applications, such a system programming. -
Developer: Niklaus Wirth
PASCAL is used in the teaching of structured programming. -
Developers: Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kenningham.
C was developed to aid in the programming of computer-operating systems, as well as the development of portable-application software. -
Developer: Robin Milner
ML was used in the LCF theorem proofer for the development of proof tactics. ML stands for metalanguage. -
Developer: ISO/ IES
SQL was developed for the managing of data. It stands for Structured Query Language. -
Developer: Jean Ichbiah
ADA was created to set a common language at the Department of Defense, which had been using a wide variety of codes until that point. It was named after Ada Lovelace, who is credited with being the first computer programmer. -
Developer: Bjarne Stroustrup
C++ was originally created as an extension of the programming language C, but ended up becoming its own individual language that is now used for structured programming. -
Developer: William Joy
Java was developed to aid in consumer electronic device communications. -
Developer: Guido van Rossum/ Python Software Foundation
Python was developed to be easily readable. It requires less lines of code for commands compared to other languages. -
Visual Basic
Developer: Microsoft
Visual Basic is designed to create detailed programming. -
Developers: Rasmus Lerdorf /PHP GROUP
PHP is used for general-purpose programming and web development. It stands for PHP Hypertex Preprocessor. -
Developer: Borland
Delphi, named after the legendary oracle of Ancient Greece, was designed as an easy programming method for Windows. -
Developed by: Brendan Eich
Javascript was created because of the increasing need for a web page dynamic.