Programming Languages

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  • Plankalkul

    WebsiteThis language was developed by Konrad Zuse for enginerring purposes. The name is German for ‘Plan Calculus’.

    WebsiteCreated by John Backus, the purpose of this language was to allow programs to be written faster and easier by using English shorthand and algebraic expressions instead of using machine or assembly code. FORTRAN is short for Formula Translation.

    WebsiteThis language was developed by a team led by Charles Katz. Its main purpose was to act as an improvement of FORTRAN. The name ‘MATH-MATIC’ is the marketing name for the AT-3 compiler.
  • Lisp

    WebsiteJohn McCarthy was the creator of Lisp which helped to reason about the use of recursion equations that were used as a model for computation. Lisp stands for List Processing.

    WebsiteGrace Murray Hopper was the head of the team that designed this language. Its purpose is to act as a user-friendly business computer software program. COBOL stands for Common Business-Oriented Language.
  • RPG

    WebsiteIBM was the developer of RPG and was designed for MIS environments. The name stands for ‘Report Program Generator’.

    WebsiteJohn George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz developed this language at Dartmouth University. It is an old programming language, adapted by Microsoft, used to write Microsoft windows and other web applications. BASIC is an acronym for Beginner’s All-Purpose Instruction Code.
  • LOGO

    WebsiteCreated by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert, this language is used for teaching concepts of programming, similar to Lisp. LOGO means ‘thought’ in Greek and was named this so that it would be distinguished from other languages that were based on numbers instead of logic and graphics.
  • B

    WebsiteThis language was developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. The purpose of this language was for system development. The name was derived from another language, BCPL, and is a forerunner to C.

    WebsiteCreated by Niklaus Wirth, this language was intended to help inspire others to practice programming using structured programming and data structuring. The language was name after a French philosopher and mathematician.
  • C

    WebsiteThis language was developed and designed by Dennis Ritchie. There are many uses for this language such as being able to write operating systems, data bases, and various modern programs. The language is named ‘C’ because it was a successor to the language ‘B’.
  • ML

    WebsiteRobin Milner was the developer of this language. The purpose of ML was to create proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover. The name is short for ‘Metalanguage’.
  • SQL

    WebsiteThe developers were Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. The purpose of this language is to manage data or stream process in a RDSMS. The name was originally name SEQUEL, which stood for ‘Structured English Query Language’, but was then changed to SQL because SEQUEL was a trademark of an aircraft company.
  • C++

    WebsiteBjarne Stroustrup was the developer of C++. Based on C, the purpose of this language is to make writing programs easier. It is named C++ because it is the object oriented version of C.
  • Ada

    WebsiteThe team that developed this language was led by Jean D. Ichbiah. The language is intended to be used for embedded systems. Ada is not an acronym, but is named after the famous Ada Lovelace, who is referred to as the first programmer.
  • Python

    WebsitePython was developed by Guido van Rossum as a successor to the ABC language and capable of interfacing with the Amoeba operating system. The name is in reference to Monty Python.
  • Visual Basic

    WebsiteJohn Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz designed this program at Dartmouth University. It has been adapted over the years by Microsoft in order to write Microsoft Windows and other web applications. The name is derived from the programming language ‘BASIC’.
  • Delphi

    WebsiteThis language was created by Anders Hejlsberg. The purpose of this language are similar to those of Visual Basic. It allows for the programmer to use an interface to write programs, using various other languages. The name comes from the famous Greek oracle who gave advice to powerful people.
  • Java

    WebsiteWilliam Joy was the head designer of this language. The purpose of Java was to help allow consumer electronic devices communicate with each other. Java does not stand for anything in particular, but it is rumored that it was named ‘Java’ when the developers were drinking coffee.
  • JavaScript

    WebsiteThis language was developed by Brendan Eich. It is a web language used to expand functionality in websites. The original name for this language was Mocha, but was then changed to Live Script and eventually JavaScript.
  • PHP

    WebsiteRasmus Lerdorf was the creator of this program and made it for web-development and general-purpose programming. The name stands for ‘Personal Home Page’.