2.1.5 Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalkul

    Language designed for engineering purposes. It was created by Konrad Zuse
  • Fortran

    Short for "Formula Translating System" this language is used for numeric and scientific computation. It was developed by John Backus

    Created to be a complier for the UNIVAC. It was designed by Charles Katz.
  • Lisp

    It has been used for practical mathematical notation and AI research. it was designed by John McCarthy. It is short for List Processing

    Short for "Common Business-oriented Language", it is used mostly in business, finance, and administrative systems. It was developed by Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney
  • RPG

    Short for Report Program Generator, it is used for business applications. It was designed by IBM

    Short for "Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code", this language was used for general purposes and to teach students. It was developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz
  • LOGO

    Used to teach concepts of programming. It was developed by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert
  • B

    This language was designed to be used in recursive, non-numeric, machine independent applications. It was created by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie

    Designed to teach students structured programming, it was created by Niklaus Wirth.
  • C

    Used for system development, C was developed by Dennis Ritchie.
  • ML

    Short for metalanguage, it was used to proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover. It was created by Robin Milner.
  • SQL

    Short for Structured Query Language, it is used for managing data in databases, It was designed by Donald D. Chamberlin and
    Raymond F. Boyce
  • Ada

    Designed by Dr. Jean Ichbiah, it was used for large applications like military systems.
  • C++

    This language is used for system and desktop applications. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It was influenced by C
  • Python

    A popular language that has many genral uses such as web development and game programming, it was created by Guido van Rossum.
  • Visual Basic

    Used to create graphical user interface applications. It was developed by Microsoft.
  • Delphi

    Used for for desktop, web, and mobile applications it was developed by Borland Software
  • Java

    One of the worlds most popular languages, it is used in client-server web applications. It was designed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems
  • Javascript

    This language is used in web browser applications. It was created by Brendan Eich
  • PHP

    Used for web development, it was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf.