Plankalkul "Plan Calculus"
Konrad Zuze, designed for enginnering purposes, it was the first high level non voh Neumann programming language -
John Backus- suited to numeric computation and scientific computing formula Translation. simple to learn, suitable for a wide varity of applicatoins, mahcine independent. Allows complex mathematical exressions to be stated similar to regular notation -
Charles Katz, It was develpoed as an improvemtn over Fortran -
John McCarthy- List Processing and artificial intelligence were its purposes and reason of development -
Common Buisness Orreinted Language- Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney. Designed for buisness. used to create portable porgramming language for data processing -
RPG (Report Program Generator)
IBIM was the developer. It was designed as a tool to replicate punched card processing and buisness applicatoins -
Basic (Beginner All- Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
John george Kenemy and Thomas Eugene Kurtz. Used to teach the introductory concepts of programming with a working language -
Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert- designed for educational purposes but today is mainly used for its "turtle graphs" -
Developed at Bell Labs... Kent Thompsaon with Denn's Ritchie. Primarily used for non-numeric appliation such as system programming -
Niklaus wirth- designed to teach students structured programming and entended to encourgae good progamming practices -
Denis Ritchie. Provide low level acces to memory, to porvide languages constructs that map efficently to mahcine instrucitons and to require minimal run time support -
Robin Milner/Univeristy of Edinburgh/ concieved to develop proof tatics in the LCF theorem power -
SQL (Structered Query Language)
Donald d. chamberlin, Raymond F. Boyce. It was desgined for managing data held in a relational database system -
Aims to improve the safety and maintainaility by leveraging the complier to find complie-time errors. Dr. Sean Icbiah is the developer. General purpose for everthing from buisness application to rocky guidance systems. -
Bjarne Stroustrup. Allows the programmer to create objects within code -
Guido van Rossom- it allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in other languaes -
Visual Basic
Microsoft was the developer. It was desgined to enable the rapid applicatoin development of graphical user interface applicatoins, acces to databases using Data Acess Objects, remote data objects, or ative x data objects, and creation of Active x controls and its objects -
Created by Borland. Provdie database connectivity to porgrammers as a key feature. -
James Gosling and Sun Microstystems were developers. Intended to let application deveopers "write once, run anywhere", it is desgined to have as few implenetation dependicies as possible. -
Brendan Eich, Netscape communiatons cooperation, mozilla foundatoin, Ecma international. Desinged to add interactivity to HTML Pages -
PHP ( HyperText Processor)
Rasmus Lerdorf, designed for web development but is also a general purpose programming Language and can be embeded in HTML