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The History of Computer Programming
By Aaron McCullers -
Creation of the First Automated Machine: the Jacquard Loom
An Overview of Computer ProgrammingIt used changable punch cards to program the machine to make specific patterns. -
The Electric Tabulating System
An Overview of Computer Programming
The Electric Tabulating System, created by Herman Hollerith, was the first electronic system to be capable of storing data. -
Vacuum Tube
How computers work in less than 20 minutes
Vacuum tubes were used to operate electric devices and decide how they operate. Were slower tahn transistors, but functioned at high wattages of power. -
How computers work in less than 20 minutes
The first electronic general purpose computer and was used by the US military for artillery calculations. -
How computers work in less than 20 minutes
Transistors, like vacuum tubes, decided how and why computers did what they do, butworked much faster and were smaller. -
History of Computer Programming
Logo is a graphic oriented educational programming language that creates or move an image based on the speaker's words. -
History of Computer Programming
A developing software that allowed programs to work on mulitiple platforms. -
Invention of the Ethernet Cable
An Overview of Computer Programming
Allowed the sharing of data across multiple computers. -
An Overview of Computer Programming
Gave network benefits to those who did not recieve any from ARPANET and to spread the global internet. -
History of Computer Programming
An all purpose programming tool that allows for both high level and low level programming of many forms of software. -
World Wide Web
An Overview of Computer Programming
Allowed for people far away to connect with friends, family, or other programmers and share their ideas/ information. -
First Visual
An Overview of Computer Programming
The first completely online bank. -
History of Computer Programming
HTML allowed for ordinary people to create and program web pages on their computers.