Period: to
The Vacuum Tube
This was before transistors and to work they had to become hot.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIDzNyfVVg0&feature=youtu.be -
The first "computer" it was made from Vacuum tubes not transistors. It was a long process to use but it was still much faster then using your mind.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIDzNyfVVg0&feature=youtu.be -
First Transistor was made in this year
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIDzNyfVVg0&feature=youtu.be -
LISP list is denoted by a sequence of items enclosed by parentheses. LISP programs themselves are written as a set of lists, so that LISP has the unique ability to modify itself, and hence grow on its own. The LISP syntax was known as “Cambridge Polish."
http://cs.brown.edu/~adf/programming_languages.html -
Visual Basic
Visual Basic is often taught as a first programming language today as it is based on the BASIC language developed in 1964 by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz. BASIC is a very limited language and was designed for non-computer science people.
http://cs.brown.edu/~adf/programming_languages.html -
In the beginning, the language designers had no hopes for it to enjoy widespread adoption. Instead, they concentrated on developing good tools for teaching such as a debugger and editing system and support for common early microprocessor machines which were in use in teaching institutions.
http://cs.brown.edu/~adf/programming_languages.html -
The US Department of Defense founded the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). It was established with intent to develop a computer network and is the predecessor of the Internet.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
Xerox Alto
A minicomputer that was called Xerox Alto was developed during this year. It was an important milestone in the development of personal computers.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
Portable Computer
Altair came up with the first portable computer. The foundation of the present-day relationship between portability and computing was laid way back in 1975! Tandem computers, the first computers with online transaction processing capacities were born during this period.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
This year can be considered fortunate to have witnessed the development of MS-DOS. IBM had hired Paul Allen and Bill Gates to create an operating system in 1980. They used the operating system manufactured by the Seattle Computer Products as a template to develop DOS.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
The Internet
The World Wide Web was born. Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at CERN, developed HTML. He came up with specifications such as URL and HTTP. He based the World Wide Web on enquiry-based system that used hypertext and enabled people to collaborate over a network. His first web server and browser became available to the public.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
OS 4.X
Solaris, the successor of Sun OS 4.X came up during this year.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
Windows 2000
Windows 2000, which hit the markets in 2000, was the first Windows server operating system to drop the 'NT' suffixed to its name. Windows ME, which was sold during this year, was the last operating system in the Windows 9x line. Red Hat Linux 6.2E also came up during 2000.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
Proccessers with over 1 billions Transistors inside of it were being produced