Programming History

By Jarods
  • Mundotheque

    Pual Otlet creates the mundotheque or a mult-media workstation.
  • John Von Nueman

    John Von Nueman
    Wrote a paper outlining the arichteture of a storage-program computer, including electronic storage of programming information and data.
  • Compatible Time-Sharing System

    Compatible Time-Sharing System
    MIT's Computation Center under the direction of Ferdnando Corbato develope the Compatible Time-Sharing System allowing multiple users on one computer.
  • CDC 6600

    CDC 6600
    CDC or Control Data Corperation 6600 is created and it can run 3 million instructions per minute, three times faster than its competitor the IBM 7030
  • Nova Minicomputer

    Nova Minicomputer
    Data General designs the Nova minicomputer, it had 32 KB of memory and went for about $8,000 designed by Ed de Castro.
  • CP/M

    Gary Kildall and his wife the first commercially succesful operating system for microcomputers, allowing one version of a program to be run on a variety of computers built around an eight-bit microprocessors.
  • Apple Lisa

    Apple Lisa
    Apple releases the Lisa computer which had the first commercial pesonal computer with a graphical user interface or GUI.
  • Mathematica

    British scientist Stephen Wolfram creats mathematica a mathematical programming language, it was a compete ecosytem for computing that allowed symbolic entry of mathematical function and equations.
  • Alpha Chip

    Alpha Chip
    DEC annouces Alpha chip architecture which has a 64-bit reduced instruction set omputer microprocessor and it replacede the 32-bit VAX architecture.
  • Google

    Google is the first mejaor web company to float a publicly traded stock since the go-go days of the dot-com boom.
  • Adobe Cloud

    Adobe Cloud
    The Adobe Creative Cloud is announced as a subscription and cloud-based model of distribution for its major software products.