Joseph-Marie Jacquard
Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents an automatic loom controlled by punched cardsThe years that followed were dominated by the use of punched cards for computing. The users used to submit programming assignments to a computer center using stacks of cards. The programs used to be queued for processing and execution.
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first digital electronic compute
John V. Atanasoff devised the first digital electronic computer -
electromechanical Z machines
The electromechanical Z machines by Konrad Zuse proved being an important step in the evolution of computers. -
Desktop mechanical calculators were built during the 1930s. During the 1950s and the '60s, electronic desktop calculators came up. Analog computational technologies predominated this period. -
first transistor computer
Bell Labs introduced its first transistor computer. Transistors made computers energy-efficient -
first mini computer
DEC launched the first mini computer known as PDP-8 -
predecessor of the Internet
The US Department of Defense founded the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). It was established with intent to develop a computer network and is the predecessor of the Internet. -
Microcomputers came up with microprocessors and Ted Hoff at Intel, introduced 4-bit 4004. -
Xerox Alto
A minicomputer that was called Xerox Alto was developed during this year. It was an important milestone in the development of personal computers -
first portable computer
Altair came up with the first portable computer. The foundation of the present-day relationship between portability and computing was laid way back in 1975! Tandem computers, the first computers with online transaction processing capacities were born during this period. -
half a million computers
By 1979, more than half a million computers were in use in the United States. This number crossed 10 million by 1983. -
intel processors
Intel introduced the 80386 processor that consists of a 16MHz processor. -
operating system
It was in 1991 that Linux came up. It is a Unix-like operating system, which is a free software. It was during this year that Minix 1.5 was developed and Macintosh came up with System 7.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
Windows 2000, which hit the markets in 2000, was the first Windows server operating system to drop the 'NT' suffixed to its name. Windows ME, which was sold during this year, was the last operating system in the Windows 9x line. Red Hat Linux 6.2E also came up during 2000.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-history-full-timeline.html -
windows vista
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 came up in 2008. It was also during this very year that Windows XP Service Pack 3 was released. -
touch screen
windows comes out with a touch screen computer