Media's Role in Education, 1st Half of the 20th Century

  • School Museum Opened

    First school museum opens in St. Louis. Slides, photos, charts, graphs and other exhibits to supplement the school curriculum.
  • Keystone View Co. publishes "Visual Education"

    This was a teacher's guide to using visual media (lantern slides and stereographs) in the classroom.
  • First Instructional Film Catalog

  • School System Integrates Film for Instructional Use

    The school system in Rochester, N.Y. begins using film as part of the everyday curriculum.
  • Thomas Edison's Declaration

    Motion pictures would make books in schools obsolete within ten years.
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    Visual Instruction Movement Grows

    Numerous professional organizations and teacher training institutes focused on visual education are established.
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    Adding Sound Changed Everything

    Sound was added to film and a new media was born. Audiovisual.
  • Department of Visual Instruction (DVI) Established

    Merger of the three national professional organizations for visual instruction into the Department of Visual Instruction (DVI). Today, this organization is the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT).
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    Audiovisual Instruction Goes to War

    Instructional films were created to prepare the military for battler. At home, civilians were trained to work in industry to support the war effort.
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    Audiovisual Instruction in Post War Education

    The success of using audiovisual instruction during the war years sparked renewed interest in audiovisual research. They knew audiovisual instruction worked, but how could it be leveraged to improve student performance in schools?