1837, Samuel Morse invented the first workable telegraph
AN electrical telegrah or telegragh, send electrical signals from one telegragh to another useing dedicated cables called telecommunication lines or through radio. This allowed for human to human maessages using coded text messages. -
Arthur Scherbius designs the enigma machine
Enigma was a german encription device that was used through out WWII by the nazis. The operator would type in his or her message, then scramble it through the use of five notched wheels or rotors. In order to decypher the message one had to know the exact rotor settings, making the enigma a very hard to break code. -
Warren Marrison and J.W. Horton build the first quartz clock
A quartz clock runs on a small quartz crystal inside the clock. When electricity is run through the crystal, it starts to ocsolate rapidly. These oscolations are then measured to create a very acurate prediction of the time. This type of clock is (today at least) very cheap and easy to produce -
First communications satalite, Telstar 1
The First succesful communications satalite, Telstar 1, was launched on a Thor-Delta rocket. Telstar 1 relayed television pictures, telephone calls, and fax images through space for the first time. It also relayed the first first live transatlantic television feed. Telstar is still in orbit as of 2013 -
Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny develop the first computer language
BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, which was the first computer language. At the time all computers used custom programing, so when BASIC came along it allowed people to move programs from one computer to another, as well as letting them learn a far simpler form of programing -
T.J Watson patents the first memory storage device, DRAM
DRAM stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory. DRAM is the foundation for modern day short term memory. It works by storing each bit of information in a seperate capacitor with integrated circuits. The capacitor will be either charged or discharged aka 1 or 0. The capacitor do slowly discharge if not refreshed peroidically -
Intel releases the first Micro-Processesor
A micro-prossesor incorperates all the parts of a central proccesing unit into one integrated circuit. A micro-prossesor accepts digital data as input, interprets it and then provides an output based on stored instructions. All modern computers use micro-prossesors, making the micro- redundent. -
Atari releases Pong
Pong marked the begining of the interactive video game. It was a simple game designed aroung two paddles and a block bouncing back and forth off each paddle. -
the first floppy disk arrives
A floppy disk is a disk of thin magnetic storage material housed in a hard plastic casing. They could be read or written in a floppy disk drive. -
I love you virus is unleashed
I love you, was a worm that attacked a lot of windows personal computers on and after may 5 2000. it would slip in to emails, thn when people opened said emails it would download on to the computer, overwrite image files and such, then email the same message to all the contacts on said computer. -
Microsoft releases Windows XP
Windows XP is a personal computer operating system that was released by microsoft, as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. It is estimated that 400 million copies were sold within the first 5 years. -
Microsoft releases the XBOX
The XBOX is a very popular gaming console produced by microsoft. AS part of the "sixth generation of gamiing consoles" it competed with sonies playstation and sega's dreamcast. The XBOX had 4 controllers and games were stored on disks.