Early us

Early US Timeline

  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    People rushed from in and off the continent to try their luck at panning for gold. If you were luck and found a gold heavy area you could become rich. Many people moved to California only to find little to no luck finding gold
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Free land was offered by the government and people rushed to get it. If you fell off your mount you would likely be trampled to death. In order to claim the land under your name you had to live on it for a long time and produce food
  • Period: to


  • First Wave immigration

    First Wave immigration
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    The West

  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    A massive railroad that connected the east to the west was completed. The railroad was built by two separate companies racing to see who could get further before they connected.The railroad was built by mostly immigrants from china and other places.
  • Yellowstone Park

    Yellowstone Park
    Yellowstone became a national park during this time. Issued by Theodore Roosevelt Yellowstone became a national park. Theodore Roosevelt was a conservationist and loved nature.
  • Great Railway Strike

    Great Railway Strike
    Railroad workers were not being treated well and went on strike. Over 6 different groups all went on strike within a few years of each other. The railway companies had to revise pays and work hours so it was a success.
  • New Immigrants

    New Immigrants
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  • Children's Bureau

    Children's Bureau