Though it was created by Konrad Zuse in 1945, Plankalkül was not oficially published until 1948. Plankalkül was designed for engineering purposes. -
Created in 1957, Fortran (Formula Translating System) was originally created as a language for scientific and engineering applications. -
Created by a group led by Cherles Katz, MATH-MATIC was created as a compiler -
Originally LISP, Lisp, standing for LISt Processing, was created by Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin for general purposes -
Created by IBM, RPG (Report Program Generator) was used for buisness applications. -
Crated in 1959 by various researchers, CObol is one of the oldest programming languages known. It's name is an acronym, standing for COmmon Business-Oriented Language.It was used for buisness and financial operations. -
Basic was created by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz as a programming language made for beginners. It is still very popular today and influenced many different programs, such as COMAL, Visual Basic, Realbasic, GRASS, and AutoIt. Basic is an acronym standing for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. -
Created by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert, Logo was created for Educational purposes. -
In 1969, B was developed by Ken Thompson for general purposes. It was later surpassed by C causing it to go extinct. -
Developed by Nikolas Wirth, Pascal was created for educational and game developing purposes. -
Created in 1972 by Dennis RItchie, C is one of the first programming languages and has inflenced C++, C--, C#, Objective-C, BitC, D, Go, Rust, Java, and JavaScript. it was created for genereal purposes -
Created by Robert Milner, ML (metalanguage) was created for general purposes -
Created by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce, SQL (Structured Query Language) was used for manipulating and recieving data -
In the early 1980's, ADA was developed by the CII Honeywell Bull. It was originally named after Ada Lovelace, Who was accredited with creating the fiirst programming language. -
Created in the 1983 by Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ is one of the newest and most popular of the programming languages. It was created for general purposes -
Created by Guido von Rossum for general purposes. -
VIsual Basic
Created by Microsoft, Visual basic was created as a program for beginners. -
Originally developed in 1995 by Borland, Delphi is a dialect of PASCAL and is the newest programming language of the bunch. It was originally crated as a rapid development tool for windows. -
Developed by Oracle, JavaScript was created to help make gaming programs easier to develop. -
Created by Rasmus Landorf and the PHP group, PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but now stands for Hypertext processor. PHP was originally designed for web development, but can also be used for general purposes. -
Developed by Oracle, Java was created for making general programs very easier.