Professional Goals

  • Begin Internship I

    In Fall of 2022, I plan to begin my Internship I for my Elementary Education degree.
  • Graduate!

    In May of 2023, almost 2 years from now, I plan to be graduating from UCF with my Bachelors in Elementary Education
  • Be a kindergarten or first grade teacher

    Five years from now, I hope to be starting my 3rd or 4th year of teaching kindergarten or 1st grade full time. I also hope to be able to living on my own or with a partner by this time.
  • Administration (?)

    10 years from now, I may want to be in an administration role in a school rather than a teaching role. This is not fully decided yet but it is a good goal to shoot for! Also, I hope to be married and have a few kids by this time!
  • Retire!

    By the time I am retirement age (although hopefully before) I hope to retire from my career as a teacher and enjoy my days as a grandmother.