Filming location: Piccadilly circus
We will be filming in Piccadilly Circus & Leceister on Monday 27th October from 7pm onwards.
We decided to film on Monday at this time to avoid as many disruptions as possible such as rush hour or people having a night out. Although the area is still likely to be busy we intend to try and film around the distractions the best way we can. -
Filiming location: Leceister Square
We will be filiming in Leceister Square on Monday 27th October from 7pm onwards alongside Piccadilly Circus. -
Filming location: London Bridge
London bridge will be 1/3 of our locations that will be filmed on Monday 27th October from 3pm onwards. As we dont want to necessarily capture this part of our music video when it's dark we have decided to film slightly earlier possibly capturing a nice view of the sunset. -
Costume: Outfit 3
Outfit 3 consists of a black skater dress and black platform heeled shoes. This portrays the elegant/formal side of our artist which she would be wearing when we film in Leceister square and Piccadilly circus. We personally think this outfits fits well woth these specific locations because it is a representation that our artist is young and enjoys partying in the city of london which is possibly what many females/males do at the age group of 18+. -
LED Light
Due to the majority of our music video being filmed during the night time, in order for our video to have a good quality and our main subject to be focused on at all times, it is considered that we have an LED light attached to our camera when filming in order for our video to not appear dark and hard for the viewers to see. If we are able to have an LED light we will be using this when filming at Leceister square, Piccadilly circus, Kensal green station and Roundwood funfair. -
Filming location: City Road Basin
We will filming in the location of City road basin on Tuesday 28th October from 11 am onwards. The time we chose will hopefully allow us to avoid contact with people travelling to work/school as we aim to film this part of the music video with nobody insight. -
Filming location: Barbican Museum
We will be filiming at the Barbican Museum on Tuesday 28th October from 2pm onwards (after City Road basin) due to locations being fairly close in distance we thought it would be convenient to film both on the same day. Also we want to capture the vibrancy of the city during the daytime to contrast with our night time shots. -
Props: Headphones
Headphones will be seen on our artist as apart of a base track in our video. For an example: our artist could be walking along a road next to the barbican museum whilst she is listening to music through the headphones.
A shot like this will possibly be used during the bridge of the song. -
Costume: Outfit 1
The costumes will be provided by our artist herself, although we have decided to have a minimum of 3 costumes and are still planning to incorperate more than we already have which will be included into our production schedule.
Outfit 1 is a denim jumpsuit and brown heeled boots which reflect that our artist is stylish yet very casual. We plan to use this outfit when we are filming at the Barbican museum and City road basin as we feel this costume fits the daytime/area. -
Filming location: City and Islington College
On Tuesday 4th November, we will be filming in city and islington college specifically in the photography room (311), however due to lessons that will take place the time will vary but between 12:15-1:15 is a possibility because it is luchtime or after 4:35 (end of college) will be considered. -
Props: Microphone
We also intend to use the microphone as apart of one of our base tracks, however as the microphone will be provided by City and Islington college we will only use this prop the day of filming in the college's photography studio. -
Filming location: Kensal Green Station
Kensal Green station is 1/2 of our locations that will be filimed on Wedenesday 5th November from 5pm onwards. As a group we wanted to originally film in an underground train station however due to the restrictions by TFL we decided to use a local station that is unlikely to have strict regulations to be followed -
Costume: Outfit 2
Outfit 2 consists of a pale pink playsuit and black converses which our artist will be wearing when we film at kensal green station and roundwood funfair. We thought this outfit woud especially fit the funfair shots because the outfit reflects youth and playful which is how we want our artist t be portrayed in this specific scene. -
Filiming location: Roundwood funfair
Roundwood funfair will be one of our final locations where we will film on Wednesday 5th November from 5pm onwards (after Kensal Green station as both locations share the same area) We want to specifically capture our artist performing during the night at the fair which is why we chose a time when it is likely to be dark. We also chose Wednesday 5th November as this is the day of bonfire night which could enhance the visuals in our video.