Aug 10, 620
The wood carving printer
This form of printing was invented during the Tang Dynasty period (618-907), by unknown individuals in China. This process of printing consumes of carving, inking, tracing, and careful alignment. When this type of printing spread around China, is was used for literature, paper offerings, and games such as chess boards.
SOURCE: http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/documents/2199315/2199693/Chinese_Woodblock_Printing_E.pdf -
May 7, 1440
The printing press
This printer was invented by a German named Johannes Gutenburg around the 1440's. Instead of wood, this printer had tin, antimony, and lead that would make the printer be sturdy enough. Letter would be arranged in different patterns to make words, so many pieces of literature could be made. Although the machine changed from carving to a machine, the "paper" was still wood. Instead of having to carve wood by hand, the machine would do ir for you.
http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/press.html -
The high speed printer
This from of printing was invented by Remington Rand, in the year of 1953. This printer is a similar version of the printer you find in schools and in offices. These printers have outstanding quality, and use liquid ink. source: http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/article/354659/laser_vs_inkjet_printers_which_better_/ -
The laser printer
This printer was invented by a man named Gary Starkweather, back in 1976. A laser printer uses a similar method that a copy machine does. They use a laser beam that hits the drum, which from there moves on to the toner, and then copies on to a sheet of paper. The main difference between the laser printer and the high speed printer is the fact that this printer uses a laser instead of liquid ink. Many offices and schools rely on this printer to print.
Source:http://www.escotal.com/printer.html -
The 3D printer
This from of a printer was invented by a man named Chuck Hull back in 1984. With this printer, you start with a virtual design file, such as a CAD file. This file allows you to copy any 3D object. With a 3D scanner, this object can be brought to life. This is the first printer that actually prints 3D models, and not 2D. Jewelers, engineers, and many other professions use this method of printing as a visual guide Source: http://3dprinting.com/what-is-3d-printing/ -
Worlds first printed car
The first ever printed car was made by Michelle Anoe. This car is made up of 227 different layers, and took a total of 44 hours to construct. Strati weighs roughly 1,800 pounds, and goes 44 miles per hour. You can currently buy one of these right now. They cost from $18,000 to $30,000 currently. source: https://cocreate.localmotors.com/localmotors/meet-the-strati-the-worlds-first-3d-printed-car/activity/ -
Printing in gold and silver
Now, you are able to print with precious metals, such as gold and silver. In order to print with gold, they have to divide the jewelry up into a couple of sections ( this only happens if there are holes in the jewelry, because it will be hard to polish). Like the 3D printer, you must construct the shape on a file first, then preform the actual printing. source: https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/casting-3d-prints-precious-metals-like-silver-gold-77070/ -
The first prosthetic jaw is implanted
A 32 year old man named Richard Stratton had a jaw problem on his left side. Dr. George Dimitrioulis designed a 3D printed jaw to help him out. After the operation, Stratton was the first man to ever have a 3D printed jaw operation.