
Printing Press

  • 1440

    Printing press

    Printing press
    The printing press was made in the middle of 1440 and 1450
  • 1452

    First book published using printing press

    Johannes Guttenberg's bible became the first piece of published work using the printing press each copy sold for 30 florins. 30 florins was around 3 years worth of wages for an average person. This was still cheaper than most as it would take over a year for a bible to be hand written up to standard.
  • 1457

    First thing printed using colours

    Fust and Schoeffer were the first company to print in colour using Gutenberg’s machine.
  • 1476

    Printing press brought to England

    William Caxton was the first to use a printing press form Johannes Gutenburg printing press in England and many credit him with the introduction of this invention to England.
  • First weekly newspaper printed

    Johann Carolus was the first person to print a weekly newspaper around his town of Straburg . It was a German newspaper and has been recognised around the world as the first ever newspaper.
  • The first daily newspaper in English

    Called the Daily Courant this newspaper was first published from Fleet Street by Edward Mallet. This newspaper ran from 1702 until 1735.
  • Iron Printing Press invented

    Earl Stanhope was the first to introduce the hand press with an iron frame as apposed to a press with a wooden frame as the iron frame made the press quicker, stronger and more efficient. This quickly replaced the older version.
  • Embossed Printing invented

    This process of creating raised 3D objects on paper and other various materials. This also helped in integrating words into every day life.
  • Rotary Printing press invented

    Richard March Hoe invented this in 1843 but he perfected the art in 1846. This allowed people to print on a variety of objects, not being restraint to paper, this was another step in the journey to writing and reading becoming some of the world’s most common things. This can print 8,000 sheets per hour.
  • First Comic Book Printed/Published

    As offset lithography becomes increasingly popular, people were able to print the first ever comic book. Comic wouldn’t even be around without the printing press and were another example of spreading messages through print.
  • Ink Jet Printing

    This is a simple process of the printer having a jet of ink and squirting onto parts of the paper depending on the text/pictures.
  • Digital Printing

    This is a method of printing images onto a wide range of metal.
  • Laser Printing

    Laser Printing
    The laser printer is fast and uses a Xerographic process. This uses static electricity and was a digital breakthrough.
  • 3D Printing

    This is a long process of making object by printing many layers in a slightly different pattern for each layer to make various shapes.