Domestic System
Sistema de producción que se desarrollo al margen de los gremios, especialmente, en la producción textil. -
Period: to
El Antiguo Regimen
Fue el termino que los revolucionarios franceses utilizaban para desiguar peyorativamente al sistema de gobierno anterior a la Revolución Francesa de 1789 y que se aplico también al resto de las monarquías europeas cuyo régimen era similar. -
Period: to
La Ilustracion
Movimiento filosófico, político y cultural que se desarrollo en Europa y América durante el siglo XVIII y que defendía la razón, el conocimiento y la educación como base del progreso social y una reorganización a fondo de la sociedad basada en principios racionales. -
Period: to
La Revolucion Americana
Esta revolución significó transformaciones y conflictos internos y un conflicto exterior, entre las "Trece Colonias" británicas de América del Norte y su metrópoli (el Reino Unido). De este proceso surgiría una nueva nación (los Estados Unidos de América) que se estableció jurídicamente en textos de gran trascendencia, como la Declaración de Independencia (4 de julio de 1776) y la Constitución (17 de septiembre de 1787). -
Was a french lawyer, man of letters and political philosopher who lived during the Age of Enlightment. He is famous for his articulation of the theory of separation of powers, wich is implemented in many constitutions throughout the world. -
Was a French Enlightment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and separation of church and State -
Was a french philosopher writer and composer. His political philosophy influed the Enlightment in France and across Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the overall development of modern political and educational thought -
Paz de Versalles
El Reino Unido reconoció la independencia de Estados Unidos. -
La primera constitucion, La de EEUU
Constitución: Ley fundamental de un Estado, con rango superior al resto de las leyes, que define el regimen de los derechos y libertades de los ciudadanos y delimita los poderes e instituciones de la orgaanizacion politica. -
Period: to
La Revolución Francesa
Fue un conflicto social y político, con diversos periodos de violencia, que convulsionó Francia y, por extensión de sus implicaciones, a otras naciones de Europa que enfrentaban a partidarios y opositores del sistema conocido como el Antiguo Régimen. Se inició con la autoproclamación del Tercer Estado como Asamblea Nacional y finalizó con el golpe de estado de Napoleón Bonaparte. -
Adam Smith
Was a scottish economist, philosopher and autor as well as a moral philosopher, a pioneer of political economy and a key figure during the Scottish Enlightenment era. Is considered his "magnum opus" and the first modern work of economy -
Luis XVI
Was the last king of France before the French Revolution, after wich the victors renamed him Louis Capet during the final weeks of his life -
Was a french lawyer and politician, one of the best know and most influencial figures associated with the French Revolution and the Reing of Terror. -
Constitucion del año III
En ella se reconocian la soberania nacional, el sufragio censitario y la separacion de poderes. -
George Washington
American statesman and soldier who served as the first presidents of the United States and was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. -
Period: to
Imperio Napoleonico
Napoleon se proclamo emperador, establecio el bloqueo continental. -
Congreso de Viena
encuentro internacional celebrado en la capital austriaca, convocado con el objetivo de restablecer las fronteras de Europa tras la derrota de Napoleon Bonaparte y reorganizar las ideologias politicas del antiguo regimen. -
Period: to
La Restauración
Fue una epoca de reaccion caracterizada por:
- Legitimismo monarquico.
- Responsabilidad internacional.
- Sistema de congreso. -
James Watt
Was a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist who improved on Thomas Newcomen's 1712 Newcomen steam engine with his Watt steam engine in 1781, which was fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution in both his native Great Britain and the rest of the world. -
Period: to
Nuevas Oleadas Revolucionarias
1º España
2º Francia
3º Belgica
4º Polonia
5º Italia -
Period: to
La Revolucion Industrial
Fue un conjunto de importantes transformaciones economicas y sociales que se produjeron como consecuencia de la utilizacion masiva de las maquinas en los procesos de produccion. -
Thomas Jeferson
American statesman, ona of the Founding Fathers of the United States and the principal autor of the Declaration of Independience. He later served as the third President of the United States. -
Period: to
Movimiento Obrero
Es un movimiento político en el que los trabajadores asalariados se asocian, «temporal o permanentemente, con fines profesionales o también políticos, pero siempre en función de su naturaleza obrera», es decir, de su condición de «persona que vende su fuerza de trabajo a otra, llamada capitalista, que posee los medios de producción y que es también dueña de los bienes producidos». -
George Stephenson
Was an English civil engineer and mechanical engineer. Renowned as the "Father of Railways",[1] Stephenson was considered by the Victorians a great example of diligent application and thirst for improvement. -
Mikhail Bakunin
Was a Russian revolutionary anarchist, and founder of collectivist anarchism. He is considered among the most influential figures of anarchism, and one of the principal founders of the social anarchist tradition. -
Abraham Lincoln
American Statesman and lawyer who served as the 16º president of the United States. Led the United States through it´s civil war -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
Was a French politician and the founder of mutualist philosophy. He was the first person to declare himself an anarchist and is widely regarded as one of the ideology's most influential theorists. -
Karl Marx
Was a German philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Was a French statesman and military leader who rose to promience during the French Revolution and led several succesfull campaings during the French Revolution War. -
Friedrich Engels
Was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist and businessman.[4]
Engels founded Marxist theory together with Karl Marx and in 1845 published The Condition of the Working Class in England, based on personal observations and research in Manchester. -
Thomas Alva Edison
Was an American inventor and businessman, who has been described as America's greatest inventor.[1] He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.