Ecological Succesion: The Beginning
Glacier melts, leaving nothing behind but rocks. Ecological Succesion is a change in the environnment. The change in this environment includes the melting of the glaciers. -
Pioneer Species
After the ice melts, moss and lichens begin to grow. These are considered pioneer species. Pioneer species are the first to grow in a harsh environment which had been previously damaged or vacant. -
Eutrophication is the ecosystems response to artificial amd natural substances. Artificial eutrophication is teh reaction of an environment due to inorganic plant nutrients, such as runoff into the water from sewage. -
Natural Eutrophication is the process when a body of water gather nutrients from plant matter. -
Climax community
Broken rocks and dead pioneer species turn into soil and the environment begins to form. Eventually a climax community will be put in place. The climax community is a developed and vegetated area that has become stable. -
And Back to the Beginning
A disruptive force can send an environment back to the beginning, even if it is stable. One of these forces can be a fire. These forces can damage a climax community because the species in that community cannot protect themselves.