Good Neighbor Policy
During his inagural adress Roosevelt anounced his good neighbor policy. The policy stated that a neighbor respects himself because he respects his neighbors. This combated the US from millitary policies in the past. The policy helped with the recent treaties with Cuba. -
The First 100 Days
In Franklin D. Roosevelt's first 100 days 13,000,000 people were unemployed. About 9,000 banks failed and 1.2 million people were homeless and living in Hoovervilles. F.D.R. pushed 15 bills through congress addressing the economic problems. Roosevelt first saved the banks and on the radio explained it and encoraged people to deposit money and there were more deposits than withdrawls helping the economy. -
Civilain Conservation Corps
The civilian conservation corps was one of Roosevelts New Deals. The CCC had two goals: to conserve natural resorces and help young men. MAny men volenteered to do this and each month their familys received a pay check helping put money back into the economy. The men palnted trees, built roads and dams helping improve the county. -
Wrok Progress Administion
The Work Progress Administration gave commpanys insentive to hire men. If a company hired men they would be given temporary financial assitance. Out of 10 million men that were unemployed it helped 3 million men. -
Socail Security Act
The Socail Security Act was one of Roosevelts "New Deals". He made Socail Security to help give more control over the banks, and relief fo rthe unemployed. It would place higher taxes on the rich. Socail Security was also to benifit the ederly so they would not be in need. -
New Deal laws no more
The Supreme Court declared several of Roosevelts new deal proposals uncnstituional. The Supreme court denined the National Recovery act along with others. This threatened Roosevelts New Deal plans for the future. -
I Hate War
In a speech in Chautauqua, New York Roosevelt said he hated war. Roosevelt was discussing peace even though they were at war. He hated war and even thought he saw it coming he still didn't like the idea of it. -
Court Packing Plan
Roosevelt created The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill trying to make it so the president could add Justices to the Supreme Court. It was not approved because it was deemed unconstitutional. He tried delaying it to give it better chance of passing. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
When Roosevelt signed the Fair LAbor Standars Act it established a minnimum wage and maximum hours. Although it only ended up affecting one fifth of the labor force it did set the minimum wage at 25 cents an hour and maximum hours at 44 hours a week. Even though it was only moderate it was extreamly sucessful. -
Pearl Harbor
When the Japanize attacted Pearl Harbor Roosevelt decided to put their resorces towards being in a global war. Roosevelt knew how serious the problem was and knew that it was not a mistake of the Japanieze. In his Pearl Harbor Address Roosevelt anounced the terror done by the Japanize and that the United States will be at war. -
Roosevelt Dies
Roosevelt dies of cerebral homerrage. His health had been deteriating as the war was drawing to a close. He was buried at Hyde Park three days later.