William McKinley (Republican)
President William McKinley was elected into office, vice president was Gamet Hobart. -
Period: to
Presidents in History
Dinlgey Tariff Law
Raised custom duties 57%, this was on linens, wool, China, and sugar. -
McKinley lead the nation to victory on August 25th, 1898; this helped to free Cuba. The war lasted from April 25th- August 25th, 1898. -
Erdman Arbitration Act
Prohibited interstate carriers from discriminating against union laborers. -
Got shot.
Was shot at 4:07 p.m. by Leon Czolgosz with a .32 caliber Iver-Johnson revolver. -
McKinley is Assassinated by Leon Czolgosz. Died of his wounds. -
Theodore Roosevelt (Republican)
Was the vice president in 1900 of William McKinley. Was put into office in 1901 after McKinley's death. -
Sworn in as President
Theordore Roosevelt was 42 when sworn in; this made him the youngest president at the time. -
Panama Canal Act
Passed to provide for the construction of the canal. -
Elected into his own term.
The first Vice-President to be elected into presidency, along with this he had the largest winning percentage. -
Forest Homestead Act
Allowed people to settle on land primarily suited for agriculture. -
William Taft (Republican)
Was elected into office. James Sherman was his Vice-President. -
Mann-Elkins Act
Empowered interstate commerce commision to suspend railroad rates and set rates. -
Postal Savings Bank Act
This allowed one bank in each state, under federal supervision, to give two percent interest on accounts under $500. -
U.S. battleships are sent to Nicaragua to protect American economic interests and rail lines. -
U.S. Marines.
U.S. Marines are sent to restore order in Santo Domingo. -
Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)
Beat out William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. Wilson wins the electoral college with 435 votes to TR's 88 and Taft's 8. His Vice-President is Thomas Marshall. -
Federal Reserve Act
This established 12 regional reserve banks. -
Mother's Day
Congress establishes Mother's Day as the second Sunday in May. -
Great War.
Germany launches war on Belgium, France, and Great Britain. The United States declares its official neutrality as the Great War begins. -
Clayton Anti-trust Act
Endeared for labor/ farmers not protected under the Sherman Anti-trust Act. -
Warren G. Harding (Repubican)
Elected into office, his Vice-President is Calvin Coolidge. -
Emergency Quota Act
Limited the number of immigrants from any country to 3%. -
Budget and Accounting Act
Gave the president control over the Executive Branch. -
Death by Pneumonia
Died with his wife by his side in a Hotel room in San Francisco. -
Calvin Coolidge (Republican)
Sworn into office at 2:30 in the morning after Harding's death. His Vice-President was Charles Dawes. -
Revenue Act
The Act reduces income taxes as well as other duties. -
Great War Debt.
France and the United States sign an agreement that eventually cancels sixty percent of the French debt from the Great War. -
Revolt in Nicaragua
The U.S. Marines land in Nicaragua to quiet a revolt. America military forces will maintain a presence in Nicaragua until 1933. -
Air Commerce Act
This act gave the Commerce Department regulatory powers over sectors of the aviation industry, such as the licensing of pilots and aircrafts. -
Herbert Hoover (Republican)
Elected into office, vice president is Charles Curtis. -
Agricultural Marketing Act
The act creates the Federal Farm Board, designed to promote the sale of agricultural products through cooperatives and stabilization corporations. -
Naval Treaty Signed
The London Naval Treaty is signed by the United States, Britain, and Japan. -
Veterans Administration Act
The act consolidates all existing federal agencies handling benefits for former servicemen into a single department. -
The Bank of the US closes.
It is merely the largest of the more than 1300 bank closings across the country as the economic depression worsens. -
Franklin D Roosevelt (Democrat)
Elected into office, vice president is John Garner. -
National Labor Board Established.
The NLB is created to enforce the right of organized labor to bargain collectively. -
Home Owners Loan Act
FDR signs the Home Owners Loan Act, a bill designed to promote home construction -
Social Security Act
The act guarantees pensions to Americans over the age of 65, establishes a system of unemployment insurance. -
Harry Truman (Democrat)
Elected into office, vice president is Alben Barkley -
Franklin D. Roosevelt dies following a massive cerebral hemorrhage. -
Bombing of Hiroshima
The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. -
Employment Act
Truman signs the Employment Act. -
Housing Act
Truman signs the Housing Act, establishing a national housing agency and providing federal aid to slum clearance programs and low-cost housing projects -
Hydrogen Bomb
The United States detonates the first hydrogen bomb. -
Dwight Eisenhower (Republican)
Elected as President, vice president is Richard Nixon, -
Sumberged Lands Act
Eisenhower signs the Submerged Lands Act -
Eisenhiwer Appoints Chief Justice
Eisenhower appoints Earl Warren chief justice of the Supreme Court -
Heart Attack
Eisenhower suffers a "moderate" heart attack in Denver, Colorado. -
Social Security Act.
Eisenhower signs the Social Security Act, permitting women to retire at age sixty-two and disabled workers at age fifty. -
John F Kennedy (Democrat)
Elected President, vice president was Lyndon B Johnson -
Housing Act
Provided federal funds for construction in urbal areas. -
Peace Corps
Established to aid developing nations around the world. -
Limited Test Ban Treaty
Agreement with Soviets to ban above-ground nuclear testing. -
JFK is assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. -
Lyndon B Johnson (Democrat)
Sworn in as President after JFK's assassination. Vice president is Hubert Humphrey. -
Twenty-Fourth Amendment
The Twenty-Fourth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, abolishing poll taxes. -
Civil Rights Act
Johnson signs The Civil Rights Act of 1964. -
Economic Opportunity Act
Johnson signs the Economic Opportunity Act, creating the Office of Economic Opportunity and beginning the War on Poverty. -
Troops Sent to the Dominican Republic
Johnson sends U.S. marines to the Dominican Republic to protect U.S. citizens after a military coup. -
Richard Nixon (Republican)
Nixon is sworn into office as President, and his vice president was Spiro Agnew. -
Troop Withdrawal
Nixon announces a plan to withdraw 25,000 U.S. troops from South Vietnam by August 31. -
Selective Service Reform Bill
Nixon signs the Selective Service Reform bill, ensuring that draftees are selected by a lottery system. -
Postal Reorganization Act
Nixon approves and signs the Postal Reorganization Act, which establishes an independent United States Postal Service -
Admits Responsibility for Watergate
Nixon admits responsibility for the Watergate affair on television, but continues to assert no prior knowledge of it. -
Gerald Ford (Republican)
Gerald R. Ford is sworn in as the thirty-eighth President of the United States, vice president was Nelson Rockefeller. -
Economic Policy Board
Ford forms the Economic Policy Board, which will oversee all aspects of economic policy. -
Federal Elections Campaign Act
Ford signs the Federal Elections Campaign Act of 1974, the most significant attempt at campaign finance reform since the 1920s. -
Privacy Act
Ford signs the Privacy Act of 1974, ensuring the right of Americans to individual privacy. -
Attempted Assassination
Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme attempts to assassinate President Ford in San Francisco. -
Jimmy Carter (Democrat)
Carter is inaugurated the thirty-ninth President of the United States, vice president was Walter Mondale. -
Taft-Harley Act
Carter invokes the Taft-Hartley Act to end a strike by coal miners. -
MX Missle
Carter approves development of the MX missile. -
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
Carter signs the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II) with the USSR. -
Carter announces that the economy is in recession, with the inflation rates hitting ten percent and interest rates climbing to eighteen percent. -
Ronald Reagan (Republican)
Inaugurated as President, vice president is George Bush. -
Reagan Shot
Reagan is shot in the chest by John Warnock Hinckley Jr. -
Hostages Released
Fifty-two American hostages held in Iran since November 1979 are released. -
Tax Equality & Fiscal Responsibility Act
Reagan signs the Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA). -
Gramm-Rudman Deficit Reduction Bill
Reagan signs the Gramm-Rudman deficit reduction bill. -
George Bush Sr. (Republican)
Inagurated as President, vice president was Dan Quale. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
President Bush signs the Americans with Disabilities Act, which affects over 43 million Americans and forbids discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and transportation. -
Immigration Act
President Bush signs the Immigration Act of 1990, the most extensive revision to immigration law in more than a half century. -
Persian Gulf War
The Persian Gulf War, code-named Operation Desert Storm, begins with a massive, American-led air attack on Iraq. -
Unemployment Rises
The Labor Department announces that the unemployment rose to 7.1 percent in December 1991, the highest mark in over five years. -
Bill Clinton (Democrat)
Inaugurated as President, vice president is Al Gore. -
Brady Act
President Clinton signs the Brady Act, which requires a potential handgun purchaser to wait five days while a background check is performed by law enforcement officers -
American Soldiers Leave Somalia
The last American marines leave Somalia. -
Congressional Accountability Act
President Clinton signs the Congressional Accountability Act, requiring Congress to abide by the same anti-discrimination workplace rules that apply throughout the rest of the country. -
Missle Strike
President Clinton orders a cruise missile strike against Iraq after Saddam Hussein leads a siege against the Kurdish city of Irbil in northern Iraq. -
George Bush Jr. (Republican)
Inaugurated as President, vice president is Dick Cheney. -
No Child Left Behind
President Bush signs a landmark education reform bill into law. Known as the No Child Left Behind Act, it offers local authorities greater flexibility in spending federal dollars, but requires standardized math and reading tests. -
Columbia Shuttle Explosion
The seven-member crew of the shuttle Columbia dies in an explosion in space. Debris falls in Texas. -
Officially at War with Iraq
The 8:00 p.m. deadline for Hussein to leave Iraq passes. At 10:15 p.m., Bush addresses the nation and informs the American people that the United States is at war with Iraq. -
Ban on Late-Term Abortion
Bush signs into law a ban on late-term abortion, the first law to ban an abortion procedure since the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court later upholds the ban. -
Barack Obama (Democrat)
Inaugurated as President, vice president is Joe Biden. -
HIRE stands for Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment and provides payroll tax breaks and incentives for businesses to hire unemployed workers. -
War in Iraq Over
Obama announced that the United States combat mission in Iraq was over. -
Small Business Jobs Act
The law authorizes the creation of the Small Business Lending Fund Program administered by the Treasury Department to make capital investments in eligible institutions. -
Bin Laden Killed
Obama declares Osama Bin Laden was killed in a firefight with United States forces in Pakistan.