George W Bush Inaugurated
Bush was inaugurated on January 20th, 2001 as the 43rd president of the United States. Bush (Republican) won the election against Al Gore (Democratic). Gore received 543,895 more popular votes than Bush but lost the Electoral College. -
September 11 Terrorist Attacks
On September 11th, 2001 members of a terrorist group called al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes in the United States. The terrorist flew two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City. The third plane was flown into the Pentagon, near Washington D.C. The September 11 Attacks became the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history. -
Bush Ground Zero speech
President Bush gave a speech to surrounding citizens through an a bullhorn after the 9/11 attacks. The speech makes the workers and citizens proud and hopeful as they chant "U.S.A.! U.S.A!". He ends the speech with, "Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for makin' the nation proud, and may God bless America." -
War with Afghanistan
The War in Afghanistan began in 2001 on October 7th. The September 11th terrorist attacks were the main cause for this war. The United States and NATO forces attacked Taliban and Al Qaeda. -
No Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Act was passed January 8th, 2002. The act reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The act was signed to help out disadvantaged students. -
US Congress authorizes the Declaration of War with Iraq
U.S. Congress votes to declare war on Iraq on October 16th, 2002. The U.S. declared war on Iraq because they had chemical weapons and were aiding Afghanistan. This was a problem because the US was currently at war with Afghanistan. -
Space Shuttle Columbia self-destructs
On February 1, 2003 the Space Shuttle Columbia self destructed. The piece of foam insulation broke off from the Space Shuttle external tank and struck the left wing of the orbiter. This tragedy killed all seven crew members. -
Bush-National Address-Declare war on Iraq
President Bush addressed the nation live on television on March 19, 2003. In that announcement he told America that Operation Iraqi Freedom had begun. The mission was to rid Iraq of Saddam Hussein and eliminate his ability to develop weapons of mass destruction. -
Operation Red Dawn
Operation Red Dawn was a successful operation which resulted in the capture and arrest of Saddam Hussein. The event occurred on December 13th, 2003. Saddam surrendered and offered no real resistance when he was found hiding in a hole. -
9/11 Commission Report
The 9/11 Commission Report also known as The Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States was published on July 22, 2004. The commission interviewed over 1200 people in 10 countries and reviewed over 2.5 million pages of documents. The report identified several intelligence failures occurring before the attacks. They also found that 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. -
Bush wins reelection
On Thursday November 4, 2004 President Bush (Republican) was reelected after a controversial night of vote counting. His challenger, John Kerry (Democratic) was defeated by the smallest of margin of victory ever in the popular vote by an incumbent president. -
President Bush's 2nd Inauguration
This was the first Presidential Inauguration since the 9/11 Attacks. There were many protesters at the ceremony which caused many of the ticket holders to not be able to get past checkpoints due to the clogged lines. The protesters were happy with this and cheered it. Over 13,000 police and soldiers were brought in for security with over 100 square block area closed to traffic. -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Karina hit landfall August 29, 2005. President Bush was criticized for poor preparation, warning, and response to the hurricane. He signed a $10.5 billion relief package within 4 days of the hurricane. Some felt that relief efforts were slow because most of the affected were poor. -
Chief Justice Roberts- Supreme Court
After being nominated by President Bush and after the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist, John Glover Roberts Junior took his seat on the Supreme Court on September 29, 2005. Roberts is from Indiana and attended Harvard college and Harvard Law School. -
Bush & Clinton raise funds for hurricane victims
The Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund raised $110 million to aid hurricane Katrina victims. The first $90 million was to be distributed on December 7, 2005. $40 million to the governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. $30 million to colleges and school in the 3 states. $20 million to a ministers fund. -
Saddam Hussein Found Guilty
On November 5, 2006 Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging. His subsequent appeal was denied on December 26, 2006. No further appeals were taken and Saddam was ordered to be executed within 30 days. The date and place of the execution were secret until the sentenced was carried out. Saddam was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006. -
Democratic Party Takes Control of both Houses
The primary reason for the shift was the public weariness over the war in Iraq and how it was being handled by President Bush. Additionally Congressional approval by the public also fueled this shift. -
Former President G. Ford Dies
On December 26, 2006 Gerald Ford, the 38th president of the United States died in his home. At age 93 and 165 days made Gerald Ford the longest- living United States president in history. He was the 2nd former president to die during Bush's presidency, the first being Ronald Reagan. -
New Troops in Iraq
In a nationally televised speech president Bush announced a new strategy on Iraq called "The New Way Forward". Bush ordered 20,000 more soldiers to be deployed with the majority of them going to Baghdad. The strategy was to help Iraqis clear and secure neighborhoods, help protect local population, and help ensure that that the Iraqi forces left behind were capable of providing security. -
Obama Elected; Bush bids farewell
Barack Obama was elected as America's first black president on November 4, 2008 by defeating John McCain. President Bush gives farewell speech January 19, 2009 to the nation.