President George W bush

  • September 11 terrorist attacks

    September 11 terrorist attacks
    on september 11th 2001 a al queada terrorist exremist group took over planes and suicided in the twin towers
  • bush ground zero speech

    bush ground zero speech
    president bush gave a patriotic speech at the ground zero to the people that were there
  • US congress authorizes the declaration of war with iraq

    US congress authorizes the declaration of war with iraq
    authorized the use of united states armed forces for war agianst the people behind the september 11 attacks
  • war with afghanistan

    war with afghanistan
    this followed the invasion of Afghanistan for the attacks on the twin towers world trade center and joined with nato
  • no child left behind act

    no child left behind act
    states are required to test students in reading and math in grades 3-8 and once in high school
  • space shuttle columbia self destructs

    space shuttle columbia self destructs
    the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon reentering the earths atomosphere
  • Bush national address declare war on iraq

    Bush national address declare war on iraq
    it was believed saddam hussian had chemical weapons and biological weapons of mass destruction
  • operation red dawn

    operation red dawn
    american military operation created to capture the iraqi president saddam hussain named after 1984 movie red dawn
  • 9/11 commision report

    9/11 commision report
    official reports leading up to the september 11 2001 terrorist attack in the united states
  • president bush wins reelection

    president bush wins reelection
    president bush won the reelection narrowly against defeating the democrat kerry
  • hurricane katrina

    hurricane katrina
    one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of the united states and costliest
  • chief justice roberts supreme court

    chief justice roberts supreme court
    17th and current chief justice of the united states took seat on september 29 2005
  • saddam hussian found guility

    saddam hussian found guility
    saddam hussain was found guilty and had a trail where he was sentenced to death by hanging
  • democratic party takes control of both houses

    democratic party takes control of both houses
    the us democratic party secured control of the us congress on November 7
  • former president g ford dies

    former president g ford dies
    the former president g ford died in his home at 6:45 pm tuesday
  • new troops in iraq

    new troops in iraq
    500 new us troops are sent to afghanistan to support the front lines and security
  • obama elected bush bids farewell

    obama elected bush bids farewell
    president george bush gives his farewell speech to the and took look back on his presidency