presente continuo

  • uso

    acciones que están ocurriendo en el momento
  • estructura

    sujeto+verbo to be+ verbo terminación ing
    I am seeing
    you are buying
  • modo afirmativo

    modo afirmativo
    sujeto+verbo to be + verbo terminación ing
    Iam working
    you are working
    he ,she ,it is working
    we are working
    you are working
    they are working
  • modo negativo

    modo negativo
    sujeto + verbo to be + not +verbo ing
    I am not working
    he ,she, it is not working
    you are not working
    we are not working
    they are not working
  • modo interrogativo

    modo interrogativo
    verbo to be +sujeto + verbo ing ?
    am I working ?
    is he ,she, it working?
    are you working?
    are we working?
    are they working?
  • concluir

    Presente continuo (present continous): Ya vimos cómo se construye el presente continuo empleando como auxiliar el verbo "to be" y poniendo al verbo en gerundio, es decir, añadiendo "ing"