Period: to
Pregnancy and Prenatal Develpoment
Month 1
Baby ; - Size - at two weeks , the size of a pin head. - Eggs attaches to lining of uterus. -Critical stage for brain and spinal cord development. - Internal organs and crculatory system begin to form. -The heart begins to beat.
Mom ; Missed Menstrual period. - Other signs of pregnancy may not yet be noticeable . -
Month 2
Baby ; Size - about 1/4 inch ( 6 mm) long as month begins , face , eyes , ears and limbs take shape . bones begin to form.
Mom - breast swells , pressure on bladder , which makes you have to urinate alot , possible nausea , fatigue is common . -
Month 3
Baby ; Size - about 1 inch , 25 ( mm ) long as month begins , Nostrils, mouth , lips , teeth buds , and eyelids form , fingers and toes almost complete , all organs present although immature,
Mom ; breast become firmer & fuller , may ache . - nausea, fatigue and frequent urination may continue , abdomen becomes slightly larger. The uterus is about the size of an orange, weight gain may total 2-4 lbs . -
Month 4
Baby , size 3 inch, long , 1 oz , as month begins , Can suck thumb , swallow , hiccup , & move around . Facial features become clearer .
Mom ; abdomen continues to grow slowly , most discomforts of early prgnancy , such as morning sickness usually gone. Appetite increases. -
Month 5
Baby-Size - about 6 1/2 inches , 4-5 oz as month begins , hair eyelashes and eye brows apprear.Teeth continue to develope , Organs are naturin , Becomes more active
Mom ; enlarged abdomen becomes apparent. Slight fetal movements felt. Increased siza may begin to affect posture. -
Month 6
Baby , size about 8-10 inches long , about 8-12 inches long as month begins , - fat depositis under skin , but fetus appears wrinkled , breathing movements begin.
Mom ; fetal movements sensed as strong kicks, thumps and bumps , some may be visible . weight gain by the beginning of this month may total 10-12 lbs , -
Month 7
Baby , Size - about 10-12 inches , long , 1 and 1/2 lbs , as month begins. Periods of activity followed by periods of rest and quiet.
Mom ; increased sixe may affect posture. -
Month 8
Baby , Size about 14-16 inches long m about 1 & 1/2 lns , as month begins. Weight gain continues rapidly , may react to loud noises with a reflex jering action , moves into a head-down postion.
Mom ; discomfort may result from increased size , Backache , legs crampe , shortnesss in breath and fatigue are common , . Fetal kicks may disturb the mothers rest. At the beginning of this month , weight gain totals about 18-20 ilbs , -
Month 9
Baby ,Size ; about 17-18 inches long , 5-6 lbs as month begins , weight gain continues , untill the week befor birth, Skin becomes smooth as fat depositis has less room to move around . Aquires dieseas- fighting antibodies from the mothers blood , descends into pelvis , ready for birth.
Mom ; lightening felt as the fetus drops into the pelvis , breathing becomes easier . Other discomforts may continue , a total weight gain , of 25-35 lbs , is typical , false labor pains may be experienced .