
prenatel frist month ALEX SAMS!

  • Frisy Month

    Frisy Month
    By the end of the frist month the embryo is about 1/10 of an inch long the heart wich is no lager than a poppy see has begun beating.
  • two months

    two months
    The embryo is about 1 inch long and has a distinct,slightly webbed fingers veins are clearly visible the heart has didied into two chambers
  • Three months

    Three months
    By now the fetus is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long and is fully formed he has begun swallowing and kicking all organs and muscles have formed and are beginning to function
  • four months

    four months
    your body is covered with a layer of thick downy hair called lanugo his heartbeat can be clearly heard this is when you feel the babbies frist kick
  • five months

    five months
    a protective coating called vernix caseosa begans to form on baby skin by the end of this month your baby will be 8 inches long and almost a pound
  • six months

    six months
    eyebrows and eyelids are visible your body`s lung are filled with amniotic flluid and he has started breathing motions if you talk or sing he can hear you
  • seven months

    seven months
    by the end of the seven months your baby weighs about 3 1/2 pounds ans is about 12 inches long his body is well formed fingernails cover his fingertips
  • eight months

    eight months
    your baby is gaining a pound per week and layers of fat are piling on he has probably turend head down for birth he weighs between 4 and 6 pounds
  • birth

    the baby was born
  • nine months

    nine months
    your baby is a hefty 6 to 9 pounds and is 19 to 22 inches as he became more crowded you may feel him move around less
  • 1 year

    1 year
    when babbies are little and you don see them for awhile you may not reagonize they cry when they need something and they adapat quickly to the world when they are younger they dont say much but by a few mounths they start cooing born with certain personlity they may be more cheerful or grumpy
  • 2-3 years

    2-3 years
    geting potty trained more thinking play parelleel
  • 3-4 years

    3-4 years
    run and jump can start feeding thereselfs minds alway thinking and then saying it they also sing
  • 5 years

    5 years
    all over the place tie there shoes can draw and can also understand 13,000 words