Prenatal Development Timeline by Jesse

  • Month 1

    Brain and spinal cord develop
    Conception Egg and sperm unite
  • Week 3

    Blastocyst attaches to the lining of the uterus
  • Week 6

    Heart is beating, organs are developing
  • Week 9

    Baby is 1" long; arms, hands, feet, and legs are developed- also eyes and starts moving
  • Week 10

    VItal organs have formed; birth defects are likely to develop after this week.
  • Week 21

    Fetus can hear sounds
  • Week 26

    Fetus develops baby fat
  • Week 28

    Baby's eyes are beginning to open; Baby can see
  • Week 32

    Baby is 4lbs, 11" long, lanugo is falling off
  • Week 36

    Baby is in posiiton for delivery