Conception-Month 1
During this time, the uterus wall is thickening and the fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall. Egg and sperm combine to make the zygote. Cells continue to divide its cells to develop the egg.The amniotic sac and yolk sac begin to develop, preparing for a baby. Also, the mother does not feel much of a difference. The mother might notice some light spotting in her underwear. The baby can be seen on an ultrasound; barely. Mom should be buying supplies, eating healthy, and getting good sleep. -
Month 1
At this stage, tubes begin to form as a basis for organs, the baby´s heart begins to beat, major organs are becoming developed, baby is attached with an umbilical cord and grows into a fetus. The mother will begin to feel symptoms of morning sickness, tender breasts, and an urge to have to use the bathroom. To help with this, you can get lots of rest, drink plenty of water, and use the bathroom as often as possible. -
Month 2
Legs begin to develop, reproductive organs form, the baby´s webbing is gone and features are more defined, and finder nails and teeth have developed. The mother´s risk of miscarriage lowers, the baby´s features can be seen better in ultrasound and the mother has put on 2-5 pounds. Tips for the mother would be maybe start purchasing maternity clothes since you are showing more, inform family members of the great news and make sure you´re speaking with your doctor on how you are feeling. -
Month 3
The baby is becoming more proportional, the body is covered in lanugo, strength is increasing, and the baby is developing fingerprints. The mother is experiencing more weight gain, morning sickness should be over with, cheeks are flushed and healthy, and nosebleeds and bigger leg veins are possible. You should talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any of this, ask for a quad screening test, and you should definitely have maternity clothes at this point. -
Month 4
At this point, most systems are working, movement caused by the baby begins, you can be heard from inside the womb, and a layer of fat forms to insulate heat. The mother should expect to gain half a pound from this point on, her hair gets thicker, and the breasts have grown. Talk to your baby to get them familiar with your voice, continue keeping a healthy diet, and stay active. You may also ask to know the gender of the baby at this point if that is what you want. -
Month 5
In month six, the baby is developing bone marrow, the reproductive system should be in the correct place, lungs are preparing to be used, and the baby is able to survive on a ventilator if it was necessary. The mother begins to develop stretch marks, your belly growth is very apparent, and you may experience itchy skin. Be sure to ask your doctor for a glucose screening, avoid all drugs and alcohol, and ask your doctor before starting new medications. -
Month 6
During this time, the baby´s heartbeat is clearer, you have entered the third trimester, the baby develops blue eyes, and the baby begins to move into position for childbirth. Make sure you are having annual appointments with your ob-gyn every two weeks, speak to your doctor if you feel as if the baby is not in the right position for birth, and maintain good posture. -
Month 7
The baby´s brain is developing even more and can sense more, the lanugo falls off, and the baby ¨plumps up¨ in preparation for birth. The mother´s feet should be getting wider, the belly continues to grow even more as the baby does, and you may experience false contractions. Talk to your doctor about these contractions to make sure you´re not in labor, purchase some new shoes for your larger feet, and contact your doctor about the other discomfort you may feel with the rapid growth. -
Month 8
The baby´s skull will stay soft to allow for brain development, body systems are almost independent, and vernix caseosa has dissolved. The mother will feel more pressure on the bladder, they may see the baby sticking out from her belly, and she may experience heartburn. Make sure and have weekly appointments from now until the end of pregnancy, have a hospital bag prepared, and make sure to have things lined up with help during and after delivery. -
Month 9
The baby is ready to go, all organs are working, immune system is building up, and the head is moving into position. The mother will most likely experience more false contractions, -
During this time, the baby can be delivered many different ways. Two of the main ways is either through natural birth or by having a procedure done called a C-section. C-sections are usually done when there may be complications caused if natural birth is pursued or if the mother is unable to deliver the baby herself.