Conception- First Month
-fertilization occurs about two weeks after last menstrual period. Sperm penetrates the egg, changes occur in the protein coating around it to prevent other sperm from entering, at the moment of fertilization, the baby's genetic make-up is complete, including its sex.
-mother misses period, nausea, breast tenderness
-sleep often, slow down, schedule your first check up -
Month 1
-The placenta, mouth, lower jaw, and throat start developing. Also blood cells are taking shape, and circulation will begin. By the end of month, baby is about 1/4 inch long.
-mother could start experiencing nausea, tender/swollen breasts, food sensitivity and need to urinate often.
-sleep often, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, drink lots of water -
Month 2
-baby's facial features start developing, tiny buds that eventually grow into arms and legs are forming, fingers, toes and eyes are also forming.
-mother could experience moodiness, nausea, sexual desire may increase also.
-eat well, drink lots of water, talk to somebody about your feelings -
Month 3- End of First Trimester
-Your baby's arms, hands, fingers, external ears, feet, and toes are fully formed, your baby can open and close its fists and mouth, also fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop.
-mother could experience food cravings, moodiness, hips may widen and nausea may decrease
-continue to drink lots of water, eat healthy and talk to somebody about your feelings. -
Month 4
-Fingers and toes are well-defined, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are formed, teeth and bones become denser. Your baby can even suck his or her thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces.
-Hormones settle, morning sickness fades, and you start to feel semi normal again. Also could start to feel baby moving
-make sure you get enough iron, register for childbirth classes, start wearing lose fitting clothes -
Month 5
-baby is now about 10 ounces and six to nine inches long. Baby is covered with fine protective hair. This month he or she will develop fingerprints and permanent teeth buds behind fully formed baby teeth, sex may be determined thru ultrasound.
-appetite increases, gains about 5-15 pounds, boating
-make sure to move around and stand often, eat food rich in vitamin C, chose health care provider for baby. -
Month 6
-Baby is about 10 inches long and weighs over a pound. baby starts moving a lot more as he or she stretches and hiccups, eyes now open and close, vocal cords are functioning, also eyebrows have formed.
-mother could experience bleeding gums, constipation, heartburn and leg cramps, can gain about a pound a week also tired more easy.
-put feet up to help w swelling, eat nutritious foods, find a hospital to deliver baby at. -
Month 7
-Baby is starting to develop fat under his or her skin. Now almost 12 inches long and weighs between two and four pounds. Can now see, hear and taste, and the brain and nervous system is growing rapidly.
-Feet or hands may start cramping, may experience more movement of your baby, our joints may feel more loose due to softening in preparation for birth, also many women start to experience contractions.
-take off some work, sleep often, discuss feelings w partner. -
Month 8
-brainwaves resemble those of a newborn by this time, may be a foot or more long and weighs about five pounds, body systems start getting ready for living outside of mother, by the end of the month, most babies are head down.
-You’ll continue to gain about a pound a week, may feel discomfort as baby pushes on rib cage or organs, pelvic pressure may increase as baby drops into this area, contractions become more regular.
-shop for maternal clothes, take warm showers to relax, drink lots of water -
Month 9
-Baby’s lungs are maturing, and he or she is shedding the layer of hair that protected him or her in the uterus, baby’s brain is growing tremendously, measures about 18 to 21 inches long and weighs about six to eight pounds.
-sleep becomes difficult, lightening starts happening, also some women feel the need to getting the house ready for the baby.
-get plenty of rest, make arrangements for hospital stay, get diapers etc. -
-baby moves farther down birth canal head first, after baby is pushed out the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, then doctors run tests to make sure baby is healthy.
-mothers contractions get closer together, water breaks, she starts pushing
-Get to a hospital, after birth get lots of rest, drink lots of water, eat nutritious foods