Prenatal Timeline

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    Month 4

    Month 4
    -Hormones settle
    -Morning sickness fades
    -You also start showing and feeling like a true mom-to-be
    -Your baby is five to six inches long and weighs up to four ounces
    -Baby’s face and heart are fully formed at this point, though the lungs are still developing
    -Baby’s eyes will open during this month and he or she will begin feeling the urge to suck
    -Plan your leave from work
    -Clean naturally
    -Sleep on your side
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    Conception- Month 1

    -Hormone releases to get ready for egg
    -Egg wants to be fertilized
    -Egg moves into fallopian tube.
    -Eat 3 servings of protein daily
    -Eat berries with ceral
    -Go easy on smells.
    -You might bleed from vagina
    -Breasts may be tender and start getting bigger
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    Month 1

    Month 1
    -Placenta develops
    -The mouth, lower jaw, and throat are developing
    -Blood cells are taking shape, and circulation will begin
    -Eat more carbohydrates (plain baked potato, white rice or dry toast)
    -Eat small meals throughout the day so you're never too full or too hungry
    -Avoid rich, spicy, greasy or fatty foods, and foods whose smells bother you
    -Food sensitivity
    -Frequent urination
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    Month 2

    Month 2
    -You may experience moodiness as hormone levels adjust
    -Sexual desire may wan as fatigue and nausea increase
    -The heart is beating
    -The brain is developing and she has developed all her limbs as well as hands and feet
    -The eyes have not fully developed
    -You should stop smoking if you do
    - You should stop drinking if do
    -Stop using caffeine
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    Month 3

    Month 3
    -Nausea may decrease as your body adjusts to hormone levels
    -Your middle may widen, as the uterus grows to the size of a grapefruit
    -You may experience your first food cravings as appetite returns
    -Your baby is now officially a fetus
    -Your baby is also moving their arms and legs
    -Fingernails are developing
    -Slowing down at work if possible
    -Putting your feet up as much as possible
    -Napping on the weekends and when you get home from work
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    Month 5

    Month 5
    -Most women gain between 5 to 15 pounds by this time
    -Your uterus is now the size of a cantaloupe
    -Appetite often increases
    -Your baby is now about 10 ounces and six to nine inches long
    -Baby is covered with a fine protective hair
    -Little girls’ ovaries also develop at this time, and sex may be determined through ultrasound
    -Get a massage
    -Move for your back
    -Adjust your seat belt
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    Month 6

    Month 6
    -Your uterus is now the size of a basketball resting above your belly button. Skin on the stomach may feel itchy as it stretches around your growing womb
    -Complaints of mid-pregnancy, including bleeding gums, constipation, heartburn and leg cramps, may intensify at this time.You may become tired more easily
    -Your baby is about 10 inches long and weighs over a pound
    -Baby’s eyes now open and close
    -Vocal cords are functioning
    -Get clear skin
    -Prepare the nursery
    -Take childbirth classes
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    Month 7

    Month 7
    -Your child can now see, hear and taste, and the brain and nervous system are growing rapidly
    - Baby’s now almost 12 inches long and weighs between two and four pounds
    -Your baby is starting to develop fat under his or her skin
    -Your feet or hands may start cramping
    -You may experience more movement of your baby
    -Your joints may feel more loose due to softening in preparation for birth
    -Use pillows for support
    -Exercise for aches and pains
    -Wear comfy clothes
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    Month 9

    Month 9
    -Sleep will become more difficult
    -Your weight gain will be as high as it will go – up to 35 pounds is average
    -Some women experience a “nesting instinct”
    -Baby’s lungs are maturing
    -Your baby’s brain is growing tremendously
    -It sheds the layer of hair that protected him or her in the uterus
    -If your baby seems like she has her foot in your throat or under your ribs, try sitting [up] straighter or walking around for a while
    -Have hospital bag ready
    -Nursery ready
    -Have everything for baby
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    -Stay strong
    -Ask questions
    -The baby makes you feel like you have to poop'
    -Baby may feel like the walls are closing in but this won’t cause much discomfort
    -The fetus is quite squishable
    -The pressure the baby feels is a normal part of birth and is critical to squeezing baby down and out.
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    Month 8

    Month 8
    -You may feel discomfort as baby pushes on rib cage or organs
    -Pelvic pressure may increase as baby drops into this area
    -Skin continues stretching and stretch marks may appear
    -Your baby’s brainwaves resemble those of a newborn
    -The Lungs and brain are continuing to develop
    -Movements may slow as the baby fills more of the uterus and has less room to stretch
    -Small, frequent meals can help to relieve indigestion and heartburn
    -Remember to take your supplement
    -Sleep with a body pillow