Conception-Month 1
The newly conceived child has now started to move down the Fallopian tubes. Eventually it enters the Uterus. When the Zygote has turned into a Blastocyst, it attaches to the uterine lining.
The mother's breasts get tender. She'll be more fatigued, and have mood swings. She should be starting to exercise, eating a balanced diet, and getting plenty of sleep. Size of a poppy seed. -
Month 1
The baby's circulatory system has begun to develop, as well as other major organs. The baby's sex is also determined at this time. The mother's breasts remain tender. She'll be fatigued, and have mood swings. She should exercise, eat a balanced diet, and get plenty of rest. Size of a Lentil. -
Month 2
Baby's heart is beating, the brain is developing more, and limbs are growing. Mother is experiencing vomiting and nausea, waning sex drive, and more fatigue. -
Month 3
The baby is now officially a fetus at 2-4 in long. All organs are present, fingers and toes are present, and the baby is moving. Mother's waist will widen, nausea decreases, and food cravings develop. -
Month 4
Baby's face is fully formed, lungs are still growing, and eyes begin to open. Mother's hormones settle (sex drive returns), baby bump is apparent, and she can feel "quickening". -
Month 5
Baby is covered in hair, has fingerprints, and permanent teeth buds. Mother gains weight, appetite increases, & has "pregnancy brain" (forgetful). -
Month 6
Baby's vocal cords are functioning, eyebrows are visible, and weighs about 10lbs. Mother is has a basketball sized uterus, cramps, and is gaining about a pound a week. -
Month 7
Baby's nervous system is developing rapidly, can use their senses, and is growing fat underneath their skin. Mother at this time is developing loose joints, cramping in the hands and feet, and is experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. -
Month 8
Baby's brainwaves are similar to that of a newborn, organs are becoming refined for independent survival, and is becoming less active (running out of room). Mother is experiencing increased pelvic pressure, indigestion, and more heartburn. -
Month 9
Baby's lungs have finished developing, they've shed their hair, and their brain has grown tremendously in size. Mother experiences "lightening" (making it easier to breath), sleep becomes more difficult, and her gained weight will hit it's peak (about 35lbs). -
Baby takes its first breath! They also see light for the first time, as well as being able to move around freely. Mother is labor and slowly making progress. Her cervix is also opening up for the birth. She will also have to push out the placenta after the sudden joy of seeing her baby for the first time.