Prenatal Timeline

  • Conception-Month 1

    Conception-Month 1
    Baby is embryo. Only two layers of cells. Barely size of a poppy seed. Mom gets increase in estrogen. Mom may ovulate. Mom's eggs ripening in fluid-filled sacs. Visit healthcare provider. Ask about over-the-counter drugs. Read up on pregnancy and conception.
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    Baby only several hundred cells. Placenta started producing hormones. Blastocyst receiving nutrients. Positive pregnancy test. Ovaries told to stop releasing eggs. Increased production of estrogen and progesterone. Instead of wine, have cranberry juice. Pregnancy test come out negative? You may have tested too early. Test a few days to a week after period was supposed to happen.
  • 2 Month

    2 Month
    Baby hands and feet developing. Tail is almost gone. Size of a kidney bean. Mom's bra getting tight. Hormonal changes causing fatigue and nausea. Can't feel baby moving yet. Mom should buy new bras, take a 15-20 minute walk, eat ginger to battle morning sickness.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    Baby reflexes begins develop. Baby's cells multiply rapidly. Baby about the size of a lime. Mom's uterus has grown a lot. mom may experience heartburn. Mother still cannot feel baby. Mom should start buying maternity clothes, buy over the counter drugs to battle heartburn (check with doctor first), and try yoga or pilates.
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    Baby doubles in weight. Size of an avocado. Started to grow hair and fingernails. Mom's uterus is getting bigger. Mom feeling better (less nausea, less mood swings, clear skin, ect.). Mom can feel the baby move! Mom has gained more weight from baby. Mom should try to eat healthy and keep a steady diet to slow weight gain, buy more clothes to accommodate weight gain, get an ultrasound from doctor.
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    Baby size of an ear of corn. Baby's brain beginning to develop. Lungs starting to grow. Mom's uterus reaching above belly button. May have gestational diabetes. Mom may experience signs of preterm labor. Mom should get a glucose screening test, ask health provider about preterm labor symptoms, get a cold compress (for swelling)
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    Baby weighs 2 and 1/4 pounds. Baby can blink. Developing neurons. Mom starts third trimester around this time. Healthcare provider may recommend HIV tests. May experience restless leg syndrome. Mom should see doctor every two weeks, get blood tests for HIV and other STDs, try massaging legs and cutting down on caffeine to combat RLS.
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    Baby weighs 3 3/4 pounds. Baby begins prepping its body for birth. Baby about the size of a jicama. Mom's blood volume has increased 40-50% since conception. Mom may experience shortness of breath and heart burn. Mom may also experience lower-back pain. Mom should try sleeping propped up with pillows, eating smaller meals more often, and talk to doctor about back pains.
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    Baby gaining an ounce a day. About as big as a head of romaine lettuce. Shedding hair surrounding body. Baby should be in down position awaiting birth. Mom may have trouble eating normal sized meals. Mom may experience "lightening". Braxton Hicks contractions more frequent. Mom should eat smaller more frequent meals, try cold compress for lower abdomen, and change doctor visits from every two weeks to weekly.
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    Baby is 7 1/2 pounds. About the size of a pumpkin. Skull bones not yet fused. Mom may still be pregnant after due date. May have biophysical profile of baby. Cervix should "ripen". Mom should ask about biophysical profiling, ask doctor about fetal testing and cervix, and should get plenty of sleep.
  • Delivery!

    Baby should be in down position near pelvis. About eight pounds. Baby may seem slightly scrunched up after birth. Mom may need to induce labor. Could do vaginal birth, c-section, water birth. Mom's contractions should start on her own. Mom should visit healthcare provider, ask about inducing labor, and tell doctor of any concerns.