Baby 02

Prenatal devolpment timeline ~haley~

  • 18

    week 3

    blastosis attaches to lining of the uturis
  • 18

    week 6

    heart is beating already organs are devopling
  • 18

    week 9

    baby is 1 inch long arms hands frrt legs are devolped also the eyes and starts moving
  • 18

    week 10

    vitial organs have formed birth defects unlikly to devolp after week
  • 18

    week 14 can tell if the fetus is a boy or girl

  • 18


    fetus hears sound
  • 18

    week 26

    baby fat
  • 18


    baby can see
  • 18

    week 36

    is in position for dilvery
  • 28

    week 18

    can begin to feel baby movements
  • Conceprtion

    egg and sperm unite
  • 7 weweks

    cant tell oy or gir;
  • end of 6th week

    makes testicals if boy
  • 3 months

    baby can hear
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    Isabella's brain and spinal cord devolop