Prenatal Development Timeline

  • Development at 4 Weeks

    Development at 4 Weeks
    The baby will develop the structure that will become the face and neck of the baby. The heart and blood vessels will continue to develop at 4 weeks while the stomach, lungs, and liver will start to develop. Arms and hands are developing. At this point you will get a positive pregnancy.
  • Conception

    Happens when the sperm inseminates the egg. Its genetic makeup is complete including the sex of the baby. At 24 hours the egg starts to rapidly divide into many other cells, and it passes through the fallopian tubes into the uterus and to the uterine wall, then the placenta starts to form
  • Development at 8 Weeks

    Development at 8 Weeks
    The baby should be around ½ inch. The ears and eyelids start to form and you can also see the tip of the nose. The arms and legs of the baby are now well formed, while their fingers and toes start to become more recognizable.
  • Development at 12 Weeks

    Development at 12 Weeks
    The baby should be about 2 inches and it will start to make movements (which is necessary for muscular and skeletal growth). At this point the doctor should be able to hear its heartbeat and make an indication of the sex of the baby.
  • Development at 16 Weeks

    Development at 16 Weeks
    The baby should be around 4 ½ inches and it should weigh about 3.5 ounces. The eyes should be able to blink and at this stage the heart and blood vessels are fully formed. The fingers and toes also develop fingerprints at this stage.
  • Development at 20 Weeks

    Development at 20 Weeks
    The baby weighs about 10 ounces and should be a bit bigger than 6 inches long. At 20 weeks the baby should be able to suck a thumb, stretch, yawn, and make faces. In this stage you will know for certain the gender of the baby and you do an ultrasound.
  • Development at 24 Weeks

    Development at 24 Weeks
    The baby should be around 1.4 pounds and it will start to interact with outside noises (increase its heart beat, or move). They are also able to hiccup and tell if they are upside down in the belly because their inner ear is fully developed.
  • Development at 28 Weeks

    Development at 28 Weeks
    The baby should weigh around 2 pounds 6 ounces and it will often change position in the belly. If you deliver prematurely there is a good chance the baby will survive. Now you should register for a birthing class.
  • Development at 32 Weeks

    Development at 32 Weeks
    The baby is about 4 pounds and it will move more. The babys skin will have less wrinkles because there is a layer of fat starting to form under the skin. The baby will gain more weight between now and delivery. You should now start asking your doctor about breastfeeding. You should start going to the doctor ever 2 weeks.
  • Development at 36 Weeks

    Development at 36 Weeks
    Babies will have many sizes depending on their factors but on average the baby's should be around 18.5 inches and weigh about 6 pounds. The brain develops fast and the lungs are almost fully developed. The baby’s head should be facing the pelvis.
  • Development at 40 Weeks

    Development at 40 Weeks
    This should be when you give birth but it can be even longer because there could be a miscalculation in the delivery date. But usually if it's been 42 weeks the doctor will induce labor.