1st Month
Heart and blood vessels are continuing to develop. Structures of neck and head begin to form. Lung, stomach, and liver start to develop. -
Period: to
Prenatal Development
2nd month
Half an inch in size. Eyelids and ears are beginning to form. You can start to see the tip of the nose. Arms and legs are formed. Fingers and toes will become longer and more distinct. -
3rd month
2 inches. Can make own movements. Sex organs should become more clear to see. Heartbeat is able to be heard. -
4th month
4 and a half inches. Able to blink. Heart and blood vessels are fully formed. Baby has fingerprints on both fingers and toes. -
5th month
6 inches. Baby can suck thumb, yawn, stretch and make faces. -
6th month
1.4 pounds. Will respond to sound or movements. Inner ear is fully developed. -
7th month
2.6 pounds. Changes position frequentally. -
8th month
18.5 inches and an average of 6 pounds. Brain has been developing rapidly. Lungs are nearly fully developed. -
Responds to sounds. Should begin to examine more-complex designs, along with various colors, sizes and shapes