Month 1
The baby’s face and neck will start to form
The lungs, liver, and stomach start to develop
The heart and blood vessels continue to develop -
Month 2
The eyelids and ears are forming, and the tip of the nose is noticeable. The fingers and toes grow longer and more distinct. -
Month 3
The baby’s nails start to develop
It forms a recognizable shape
Most of the organs and tissues are developed
It’s eyes are almost fully developed. -
Month 4
Developing reflexes, such as sucking and swallowing, and it can maybe suck it’s thumb. It’s tooth buds are forming. Fingers and toes are well defined. The gender if identifiable. -
Month 5
Baby is about 8 to 10 inches long. It weigh about 1 pound . Child begins to grow hair on head .The mother will start to feel fetal movement. -
Month 6
Eyelids begin to part and eyes open sometimes for short periods of time.Skin is covered with protective coating called vernix.Baby is able to hiccup. -
Month 7
Taste buds have developed.Fat layers are forming.Organs are maturing.Skin is still wrinkled and red.If born at this time, the baby will be considered premature and require special care. -
Month 8
Baby is 16-1/2 to 18 inches long.Weight is about 4 to 6 pounds.Overall growth is rapid this month.Tremendous brain growth occurs at this time.Most body organs are now developed, except for the lungs.Movements or “kicks” are strong enough to be visible from the outside.Kidneys are mature.Skin is less wrinkled.Fingernails now extend beyond fingertips.