Peimplantation Period
The first week.
Sperm and ovum unite!
Zygote is created.
Mitosis begins and duplicates cells.
Eventually attaches to the uterine wall and becomes a blastocyte. -
Period: to
Second Week
- The implanted blastocyst grows by cells proliferating, and differentiating.
- Morphogenesis in the cells also occur. This creates the germ layers within the blastocyst, and eventually becomes the bilaminar embryonic disc, which develops into the embryo as prenatal development continues.
- Placenta develops.
- Umbilical circulation develops.
Third Week
- All three layers are noticeable: Endoderm, Mesoderm, and Ectoderm. Ectoderm - gives rise to the skin epidermis, the CNS, and other structures. Mesoderm - gives rise to the connective tissues. Endoderm - gives rise to the respiratory epithelium and cells of glands.
- Cephalic end and Caudal end is formed. (both lined by endoderm)
- Neural crest cells - develop from the neuroectoderm, and migrate from the crests of the folds and disperse into the mesenchyme.
Fourth Week
- Embryonic folding occurs. Digestive tract begins to develop. Foregut: forms the primitive pharynx, primitive throat, and part of the primitive yolk sac as it becomes enclosed with folding. Midgut and Hindgun: forms the rest of the mature pharynx, and the remainder of the digestive tract.
- The face and neck begin to develop, as well as the primitive eyes, ears, nose, oral cavity, and jaw areas.
- MOST CRITICAL PERIOD OF PREGNANCY. Disturbances may give rise to major congenital malformations.
Fifth Week
-Circulatory system begin to form in the middle layer (mesoderm).
- Heart will begin to divide into separate chambers and start pumping blood. The circulatory system is the first organ system to function.
- Umbilical cord replaces yolk sac. -
Sixth Week
- Facial features are forming.
- Brainwaves start, and cerebral vesicles double in size.
Seventh Week
- Oral epithelium forming.
- Ear canals and external structures are forming.
- Mouth, nose, and ears continue to develop.
- Limbs begin to develop.
- Brain and spinal nerves continue to develop.
Eighth Week
- Bud stage of mouth development
- The dental lamina proliferate into buds.
- The buds eventually develop into tooth germ.
Fetal Period
Weeks 9 - Birth
- Embryo becomes a fetus.
- Final step of prenatal development.
- Maturation of individual tissue type, and organs.- Tetracycline Stain - acts as a teratogenic drug, where a pregnant woman takes the antibiotic and it has an effect on the child's primary teeth that are developing at the time.